
I don’t understand why their system is floundering so much due to a power outage. That seems like an easy scenario to plan for and mitigate.

“We are aware that flight status systems, including airport screens, are incorrectly showing flights on time.”

“Blah blah blah pretentious film school bullshit, blah blah.”

You could make a film shooting various scenes of dog shit that pioneers cinematic techniques that influence the industry for generations, but in the end, your film is still scenes of dog shit, and certainly doesn’t deserve to be ranked above Gone With the

Dude, the only ingredients in a hot pocket are molten lava and self-loathing. Don’t try to ruin that shit!

“Songs of Consolation,”

Now just pull the shackle off. That’s right, go on, touch it.

I’ve watched that clip of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” dozens of times, and until it was mentioned a few places yesterday, I had never seen the narrative that Tom Petty is pissed at Prince through this. They both give each other wry little smiles throughout the performance, and Petty clearly defers to Prince’s

Jesus. Enough already. He didn’t cure the sick or heal the lame.

Imagine if this game were in California, the outrage.

Wholeheartedly agree. Warren is needed where she’s at to kick ass and chew bubblegum.

If Jesus came back today, his alleged followers would brand him a hippie weirdo.

I’m fully expecting someone to leave the FU Center in a body bag tonight. Player, official, fan, really doesn’t matter.

That’s a really great idea.