
I remember a few years back when the FAA cancelled all the flights across the US, for like 3 days...It was such an inconveniece

I say bite it right the fuck off. Couldn’t possibly be any worse than getting ram-rodded tax-wise...Seriously you can’t change things if you’re afraid of the pains that go along with that change. I swear the more this shit happens, the closer we get to the rich folks telling the poor to eat cake, and the inevitable

City council voted unanimously to approve this shit? If i’m a resident, i’m doing anything I can to burn this thing to the ground and fuck the owners, they don’t get a dime. They might get a shell or two, but they won’t get a dime. I’m tired of these greedy fuckers and someone needs to wake them out of this self

critics from around the world were polled by the BBC to name the greatest American movies in film history.

This is the most scientifically accurate post i’ve ever read.

Sick....minor abrasion?

Prince would have rocked a cover of this shit.

it wept...gently

no, but he got the lame laid...

Matt Carle AND Braydon Coburn on the ice for that goal...dammit

Well thank God it wasn’t in Flint

Batistuta was the man :)

I think it can be equated more to Bobby Clarke. Best player in the franchise’s history, but not the greatest player of all time.

and that stuff was light years better than ANYTHING they have on there now that passes for content...

“People always said that he was ahead of his time, but that’s not exactly right: he was a rock star living his life out of time.”

“and I’m all out of bubble-gum..”

...with an actual fire-brand i’m sure.

Sorry, the freedom of speech that our constitution protects is related to the government. The government can make no laws restricting speech (with exception to incitement, threats, obscenity). The government cannot jail you for speaking out against the government.

21,236 men enter, 1 man leave.