Severian the Librarian

Even assuming kidnapping and torturing people is part of this particular tribe’s values, there are only so many members of the tribe who could be responsible for Shmi’s death.” I mean, that isn’t a hard leap to make. It wasn’t like Shmi was kidnapped in secret, and the other Tuskans would have been SHOCKED to find

I don’t know man, I feel like even if the facts about the Tuskens and their intelligence wasn’t known in Attack of the Clones, thematically it was there. Anakin wiping out a whole tribe of them was meant to be wrong and uncomfortable, if they were intended to be closer to animals then the scene wouldn’t have had the

TBH, Jim Henson himself couldn’t duplicate the success of The Muppet Show. He tried at least twice and failed.

I was a huge He-Man fan when I was a kid, even though I had never seen an episode of the show because my parents wouldn’t let me watch it. My “cool” aunt gave me the action figures and the castle play set and that’s all I knew. I distinctly remember catching an episode once in my late childhood and thinking the

It’s sad, but unsurprising, when the 22 minute toy commercials they called cartoon episodes don’t hold up. You REALLY want them to, but often they don’t. Oh well...

People just need to get off of Twitter and actually start talking to each other.
It’s easy to fall into a trap of “wrong-think” when tweets are limited in character. Differences and variations of opinion are too nuanced to be boiled down into simple right and wrong. More importantly, a lack of a real discussion will

Is this an additional service cost for people who subscribe to HBO via their TV provider? Another CBS All Access scenario? Hard no.

I thought this season finale was fantastic. I especially thought it was perfect having the creators of Black Lightning, Tony Isabella and Trevor Von Eeden appear as judges on the commission that shuts down the ASA.

True, Grace isn’t actually dead but if she never wakes from the coma she may as well be as far as the show goes.

Damnit... what was her name. She didn’t talk. She was Tobias’s henchwoman. I can hear him say her name in my head and it just isn’t clear what he was saying. A simple google search later: Syonide

Elsewhere, other heroes like police chief Henderson and the young technopathic meta T.C. fall in battle, but their deaths aren’t in vain

I thought TC was wearing a vest and was ok and they showed Gravedigger got out and was at the hearing.

Next year’s crossover event should be “The Crisis of Infinite Wigs”

Black Lightning is still going strong. They are building up their own street level justice league and its fun.

Oh man, the Legends’ 100th episode might be all-wigs then. 

I love Kara and Lena. Platonic friends, super cool. Extra sexy special friends, super cool. Whatever, I don’t care as long as they’re friends because when they’re friends they’re both wonderful.

What I absolutely can and will not tolerate for one more goddamn second is Lena’s panty-twisted, tantrum-throwing, entitled

Melissa Benoist has truly inherited Stephen Amell’s mantle as one of the leading iconic heroes of the ArrowVerse now that she has had to act in an awful flashback wig. Respect.

I think from here on out, all Arrowverse shows need a terrible wig in their 100th episode to pay homage to the original bad wig from Arrow, the forebearer.

I thought this was way better than the previous few episodes but this series is beginning to drive me away from liking Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor. Not because she’s a woman but because she’s completely missing a vital element that nearly all previous incumbents in the role had in spades. She feels like she’s nailed

I think we all know what’s missing...