
Why is Jason Todd dressed like Spider-Man?

Interlinked within cells.

Michelle Pfeiffer is still a stone cold fox.

Wow. I don’t actually agree with this. This is Valve, not wanting to take responsibility for the content you can download from their platform.

I always really struggle to agree with people who find the service a “jumbled mess.” I guess if you dig in to see every single release every single day, you’re gonna find a lot of weird trash.

Wow. I don’t actually agree with this. This is Valve, not wanting to take responsibility for the content you can download from their platform.

That would probably fall under “straight up trolling.”

Social media is one of those ideas that sounds fine on paper, and then you realize most people are assholes.

It’s the same fucking people over an over again. They don’t even care about this shit, just think they have to do this because no one likes them.

Who the hell thought the public wanted a freakin Willy Wonka origin story? Christ, Hollywood is so lazy.

One man’s “too strict” is another man’s “too picky.” I’ve seen Ignatiy give reviews of the “this movie is barely tolerable entertainment” to things that I loved.

It is known. Penny Arcade famously commented on this way back in 2004

I think entirely ignoring anything/everything said on Twitter would be much simpler and effective.

“So the next dlc is called Forsaken.”

Detroit is amazing in every aspect in my opinion. Character development and storytelling. It even made me choke up a few times back there.

I never saw, felt, or thought of Kara any less or different because of the situation she was in. All of them were in very crappy situations and they had to deal with it in their own

I know my opinion probably means jack squat but I highly recommend the game - probably one of my favorites this year. This scene does cause Kara to be bound but its not sexual - nor does it make her an object even if you don’t get free you continue playing her story just with a little twist. Kara’s story was my

Nope, it’s Zhan McClarnon, who played Hanzee in season 2 of Fargo.

the Ghost Nation characters—especially the tribe’s main figure, who’s been on the periphery of Maeve’s storyline for two seasons and yet so far has gone unnamed on the show

That is a weird, though not unheard of, thing to do. It is also deeply racist.

I believe I’m one of those mythical people here who doesn’t understand it. A pen name’s a pen name. We’ve had men with feminine pen names, women with masculine pen names, Asian authors with Western pen names... What, are you going to call out Bronson (author of Hokuto no Ken) for “pretending to be white”? The whole