I’m of the mind that considerably more people than previously thought are conspiracy theorists.
I’m of the mind that considerably more people than previously thought are conspiracy theorists.
There is certainly something to say about the timing.
Wait, and I know I’m staring in to the abyss here, but is that...
The only logical answer.
I suppose the truly relevant question to ask is, which game is more likely to make you want to end the night by killing everyone else in the room?
My sentiments exactly.
Just PC. Primal was a week, and IIRC, Syndicate was about a month (maybe a little less).
I would say it’s about 50/50 whether or not they delay the PC version, though it seems a bit more consistently done since the the Unity fiasco.
Ubisoft delayed both Syndicate and Far Cry Primal by a few weeks, and I don’t recall either launching with any notable, glaring issues.
It’s a delay for a platform FFXV isn’t currently coming to.
They patched it Saturday night on the PC to unlock the framerate.
Yeah, I actually figured it out a little earlier. Downloading it now.
I wish they’d let me preload the PC version.
I thought they hadn’t announced a PC version of Injustice 2 yet?
Make shitposting great again.
This just made me realize how awesome a “The Thing” mod would be for this game.
That looks a far more fun then commenting on the internet.