
Yup, the real news here is that there’s a date.

Delayed? I’m pretty sure they announced it was coming later for PC as soon as they announced it, hence no date showing on Steam.

Oh yeah, that’s true. Still, there isn’t any way to get the preloaded files working prior to the game being released.

No, they’re encrypted through Steam. To my knowledge it’s never happened.

David Hayter voices a dwarf in this DLC.

The Descent has some very interesting lore ramifications.

...I am not high enough for this shit.

I really hope NG+ mode launches tomorrow.


Holy nightmare fuel, Batman.

That would be great. Maybe some references to The Warden as well.

Yay, Deep Roads!

Hahaha, oh wow.

Metal Gear is one of my favorite series for the story. I ain’t gonna wait two weeks so I can walk into spoilers befause people on the internet are assholes.

Don’t care about MP, really.

I’m not terribly concerned with the MP, the story is my focus.

I have a lot of virtues, but patience isn’t one of them.

Well, that saves me the trouble of buying a console version first.

I’m assuming it’s something like that. I mean, I don’t really want to play it, so much as I want it there in my collection with the rest of them.

Whatever happened to Lightning Returns for the PC? They pushed out XIII and XIII-2 really quickly, and then nothing.