
To the left, to the left, everything you snap in a box to left.

Because I Halo?

October 27th can’t fucking come fast enough.

Jet Force Gemini?

My 980 Ti is ready.

All right Japan, I think it’s time we have a conversation about how you name things...

I’m really hoping Capcom announces a Dead Rising remaster soon. That would be great.


I’ve beeeeeeeen waiting for a mod like this to come into my lifeeeeee...

Considering I picked up a 980 Ti today, I’m really looking forward to this.

Hahaha, oh wow. Glad I scrolled down for this.

Finished the game last night at the 50 hour mark.

Wasn’t Far Cry 3 originally planned to tie the first and second games together? I recall, I think.

A wretched hive of whining and stupidity.

Y’know, I really need to get around to finishing Lost Planet 3...

Looks like 6 Eastern on Steam. Just looked it says 23 hours. Wheeeeee.

The answer is C. The answer is always C.

Does Activision have like...a lifetime license to Paint it Black or something?

It’s availible.

All right...I’m intrigued.