
That makes two of us. Especially, in a case like this where they have an easy platform (Steam) to address the issue, and everyone playing could see.

You’re probably right. i’m usually browsing usually released, and it makes me feel like I want to introduce my head to a wall.

I hear ya. Honestly, so many issues (in a lot of games) could be be better solved with some statements and transparency at launch.

1 PM Eastern is the usual unlock for Steam games (unless they’re midnight, or earlier, sometimes even later). It’s only 9 AM at the moment, a little less than four hours.

i’m pretty sure the game wasn’t supposed to be released on PC until this afternoon, which is why the client unlocking at Midnight didn’t do anything.

Yeah, it’s a nice concept if you buying the game after launch, but it’s unnecessary (and dumb) as a preload. The fact that the client unlocked 13 hours early, without any statements certainly doesn’t help.

Steam forums make Gamefaqs boards seem like reasonable discussion.

I don’t recall seeing any mention of it prior to actually booting up the game lat night, and I’m a fairly detail oriented person.

This seems counter intuitive, considering the entire fucking point of a preload is to have the game ready to launch.

I have to say, I was baffled by how this game ran on my 970 ‘til now.

Yeah, as was Birth By Sleep until the recent remix. I can see them not releasing that for obvious reasons, but they’re just ignoring opportunities to make a quick buck in regards to the others.

Yeah, I love that movie. Was genuinely surprised how great it was when I first watched it. I could totally see him nailing that role.

With Square’s propensity for rereleasing and portings, it baffles me that certain games they just ignore.

Most excellent!

i’m at work so I can’t check, but doesn’t this it unlock sometime this evening?


Can it fix the gaps in my broken one?

Someone gave me a sealed, PS3 copy of the game.

Oh my, I forgot the existence of that show.

I constantly thank God for Esteban.