Already preorderd the ultimate for PC.
Already preorderd the ultimate for PC.
All very true.
I mean, the fake name is DeSanta.
Or maybe i'm in your mind.
Well, it's not exactly what you're asking for, but Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China is still coming.
Anyone else hoping we get to see more of Shay in the future?
Yeah, if you liked Black Flag, Rogue is a great followup.
Yeah, I likewise stopped playing it on the 360 and waited for this version.
BF definitely still seems a little unoptimized. Using the same settings on Black Flag and Rogue, BF still jitters a bit compared to Rogue, which runs incredibly well.
Hunger Games: The Game.
Seriously. It doesn't help that the task manager in newer versions of Windows absolutely sucks at ending tasks.
Huh, I'm gonna have to try that in Ryse...
I'm amused any time a developer does this. Admittedly, I set a considerably higher bar for being outraged than most people do.
Totally forgot this came out. Admittedly I did play Rogue nonstop until I finished it yesterday. At least I have this and Revelations Ep 3 to look forward to when I get home today.
Truth and Reconciliation.
I think GTA4 got way too much shit for being a more serious story after the crazy mess San Andreas was.
If they don't, they're idiots.
Hey, you never know. I haven't completely given up hope yet. There were definitely a lot of good ideas in DMC, and I really hope Capcom gives that universe another shot before rebooting it again or trying to followup Devil May Cry 4.
I feel like it's time for me to go back and replay the game.