
Depends how you define classical music.

Having not seen any of the new episodes, it’s safe to say that these episodes of Ted Lasso are simply too long.

One of the funniest moments of my life was back in grad school watching Archer with some classmates. One of them started saying that Jessica Walter must be a “real bitch” (his words) in real life, because she was good at playing one in both that and Arrested Development. I responded that she was actually incredibly

Oh, it’s not from Thackeray - it’s from where Thackeray got the title from: John Bunyan’s (“Oh, the guy with the big blue cow!” - Ashley Graham, probably) Pilgrim’s Progress.

If that bit had been in a movie, I would have said it was a little much. Reality can do whatever it wants, though.

Seriously, that’s exactly what all the Yanks are forgetting.

I’m actually okay that they didn’t actually put a donkey on a 13 hour flight from Ireland to LA

Then I saw in my dream, that when they were got out of the wilderness, they presently saw a town before them, and the name of that town is “Vanity”; and at the town there is a fair kept, called “Vanity Fair”; it is kept all the year long. It bears the name of Vanity Fair, because the town where ‘tis kept is lighter

The answers were at least as good as the questions.


Yes, sometimes people reach for the ten-dollar because they want to be seen using it, rather than requiring it to convey their meaning. I find it genuinely disheartening that a college-educated professional writer would think “macabre” was that kind of word.

it’s also weird because if i had a plumber fixing something in my house and he said his father was a plumber, and his father before him was a plumber, i would be like ‘i bet this guy is a great plumber’.

You sure come off like a bitter judgmental jerk kylie

The problem is that the problematic ideas are still very easily accessible, and “deplatforming” inevitably creates has a Streisand-effect backlash of making those ideas much more publicly known than had the original speaker just been allowed to speak to 20 people who already agree with them.

Yeah, the Kelvin timeline is bad, and no longer even necessary.

I would die for this. DIE. 

I would just love it if somehow, some way, Murray Head would make an appearance as Rupert’s even richer older brother who ends up taking him down with Rebecca’s help at the end of the season, and then Murray and Hannah close things out with an epic karaoke of “Nobody’s Side.”

Editing the past to make it appear less racist seems much more dangerous than just leaving the books alone.

No, it’s pretty much exactly in line with the MAGA movement.

I just disagree. Boseman was a screen icon possessed of unusual charisma and grace, and this was widely recognized before his passing. There’s a reason Boseman is the first unsnapped face we see walking through the portal in Endgame. People aren’t just grading him up as a performer because he died young. With respect