
Hey, I didn’t have to spend no $44 billion to get bullied and generally come off like a buffoon on the World Wide Web! Who’s the genius now, Musk?!
oh, wait...

Eh, there just wasn’t as much legs in the concept as they hoped. People seem to cite season 3 as when it went off the rails, but I was ready to throw in the towel after season 2. Pity, too, because I really enjoyed season 1.

First season was brilliant. Anything after that reminded me of Prison Break---they seemed like they never expected to go beyond 1 season.

Why? The idea of an afterlife seems completely counterintuitive to me. What natural mechanism could possibly allow for the continuation of life after death? 

Actors belong to unions, and the two biggest ones in America actually have a decent amount of power, certainly more than enough to see through the sort of structural change necessary to guarantee pay equity, if they had the political will to do so. The fact that they don’t have the will is not an impediment to how

when you wrote about getting Daniel Radcliffe laid I imagined him walking into any comic con in the world and within 2 seconds getting attacked by women to the point that I’d literally fear for his life. He’d probably be content if you just went to the deli and brought him back lunch LOL.

Sorry, but in a world where people are dying of starvation, I can’t be bothered to get too upset about a society that is actively trying to take away women’s bodily autonomy.

Pathetic humans! Your Primitive Emmy is no match for my atomic-powered Tony Award! Tremble before me, fools!

That does not narrow it down.

This seems to be the way it works now. Someone is falsely reported as having died, only to actually die a few days later. Weird.

What kind of world do we live in where someone like Jerry Lee Lewis can be taken from us so soon, yet Matthew Perry continues to walk around in this world?

He maybe should have kept his mouth shut. Attempting to contact 20 people with a 0% response rate seems...statistically improbable. It leads one to question how those contacts were attempted. Did he go to his balcony and yell? Did they send letters addressed to “Dahmer’s victim’s family, Milwaukee USA, probably”?

That should’ve been your first hint, Ryan.

What a crappy review you’ve done all season. I hope that in the next one it will be someone else

“House Of The Dragon seems to have wildly varying ideas of what a 14-year-old looks like.”

I’m not sure this is what we meant when we asked you to move on from Don’t Worry Darling articles.

Although there’s a bit of funniness here, because wouldn’t Seasmoke be able to sense that his (her?) rider wasn’t actually dead?  I’m picturing Laenor trying to make a quiet subtle getaway in the rowboat like we saw, and then along comes big loud dragon to follow him wherever.

Not only was this the best episode of the season, it was the finest hour of fantasy television I’ve seen in years. And there’s been a lot of great fantasy series that have made their mark recently. But this episode of HOTD had everything that makes ASOIAF such a compelling series. When the best scene of the entire

I’d settle for a reviewer who likes the show enough to actually bother paying attention while watching it.

Gurl, just say that you don’t like the show enough to pay attention.