
Likely. Also, just because he can see her glow doesn’t mean he can see her weaves.

That actor playing Dana was wonderful. I was sorry to see her go.

Oh, that poor man. I’m sorry the citizens of your country aren’t much brighter than the citizens of mine.

I hear you on the terminology but are the rules really straightforward or just straightforward if you grew up with them? I ask because I think American baseball is straightforward but my Euro-born husband finds it impenetrable.

For me it was Knockturn Alley.

My take on it was that originally quidditch wasn’t supposed to be thought about as a real game, it was just supposed to be a joke about the impenetrability of cricket rules. I expect Rowling was astonished to hear people were playing it in swimming pools, etc.

Is “whom,” most strictly.

Oh, damn, you’re right! Nicely done.

Back in the day, my American self wondered if the durability of high school romance was a British thing. (I’ll hold for your laughter.)

Agreed, but where are they going to find a Fiyero she doesn’t absolutely bury? I’m so very curious.

They are going to have a hard time finding a Fiyero she doesn’t absolutely flatten.

I’d be shocked if the cast weren’t contracted. Seven+ years (or x-number of pictures) is the norm now.

I only remember seeing this promoted twice and I follow entertainment news. I just saw that Diane Lane is in it and my interest is piqued for the first time.

It’s an end run around the truth. The producers fear the viewing public far more than they do the union, so if they can get enough people to accept that it’s over and foment bad feeling towards the union, then it’s over. IATSE will need outside financial contributions in order to keep their membership afloat during a

They’ve got to keep fighting. Things were bad 20 years ago and they are worse now. I fear for the next couple of decades of crew if they don’t keep up the pressure now.

He’s developed skills! I dig it.

For example, trans women in our group find cis-periods gross and aren’t totally comfortable in a space where cis-women are bitching about periods or comparing menstrual cup performance. Enter raunchy, awful, not PC, humor to make it bearable.”

I think he was perfect before he went overboard with the muscles.

I think different people watch for different elements in a show. I’ll be ok with knowing the end result of Targ history if the acting is good and the dialog is clever.

In seriousness, I’d prefer to see her Macbeth.