
The fans, as much as they can be trusted to act in lockstep, would have been fine. Andrew Barth Feldman is (still) an actual teenager with a fan base who played the role on Broadway to much acclaim. Further, the fandom found much to enjoy in watching him mature vocally into the role — he started his run singing some

You will still get argument about “Fly.” I understand what they were trying to do but I don’t think they did it well. Failure of execution.

We would watch something else. Creative humans would make other stuff and we’d even love some of it. 

If I understand your question correctly, that the illness could pass and they would not know is very possible and is the danger. They could transmit to unvaccinated people or vaccinated immune-suppressed people unknowingly and kill them. Knowing one’s own self is sick is only half the game if we’re trying to suppress

The book is completely different in style, no horror or supernatural elements at all, just a bunch of kids behaving badly.

I saw it and thought, “hmm, cool or insufferable?” Then I realized he nailed the outfit. It’s really, really him.

I am interested. Throw me a title, please!

Would pay money to watch.

“You Will Be Found” was also catchy when it was an Ednaswap song that Natalie Imbruglia made a hit.

She’s from England, yes? I’d guess she looked the wrong way as she stepped off the curb.

I wasn’t prepared to hate it, exactly, because I like Lucy Liu, but I was expecting to disdain Jonny Lee Miller and instead was shocked by how skilled an actor he’s become.

That’s mine, too! Such a stupid title. I didn’t see it until someone I really trust encouraged me to give it a go. Very shortly, I loved it.

I voted in this election, much to my disgust. It was a total clown-car. I’m just grateful these officers don’t actually negotiate for us. Our negotiators have been doing well for the union.

Agreed on both counts. The Arden song is also awful. Whenever this story has come up for the past 2 decades it’s always felt like fighting over sand at the beach, at least from the audience’s perspective.

I read this series, even the books that needed editing. I will definitely give this a try. The music in this teaser is dreadful.

I just fought my way through a Kinja login to star this. Well observed!

This article taught me much, thank you. Also, knitting Godzilla is tremendous.

I agree, she was incandescent in that role.

Agreed, I don’t know what everyone is on about with that. She folds forwards. I quite like Robbie and am impressed it was her but lots of dancers could have provided that shot.

Thanks for posting! I am thoroughly enjoying this video and I would not have found it without you.