
I am extremely disappointed to find that Rhys isn’t playing Rogers.

Now playing

Honestly, playing the concept of Aquaman like he’s Namor doesn’t really work. You have to embrace the inherent goofiness of the character a tad.

The thing I love most about Casino (and top-tier Scorsese movies in general) is that they feel like you’re living someone else’s life for 2-3 hours. Completely immersive, for good or for bad. You start off with Ace (or rather, as Ace) when he’s virtually green, and end up with him when he’s the battle-scarred old

Yeah, for a while Casino had a bad reputation, as a disappointment because it wasn’t as good as Goodfellas, and while that might be the case, it’s a bit unfair. It’s a good movie in its own right.

One of the best parts of Casino was James Woods’s portrayal of one of the skeeviest, coked-up, low-life, abusive assholes ever. He is so method, he still hasn't dropped character.

There was no stand-in. Simmons cloned himself because he’s that committed. 


What are you gonna do? Neil Patrick Harris runs Awardstown and he doesn’t even know who Rachel Bloom is.

No mentions for Rachel Bloom or Alison Brie? (Or for that matter Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s complete shut out?)

They wanted to show how long it took. How many songs, how many cigarettes, how boring it was for her.

Joker? He looks like a Civil War general.

If she got in behind a tour bus, that could have been 2-3 episodes right there, waiting.

man now I want some of their fried okra

Really weird and disorienting that they went to the trouble to get location footage for the journey out of St. Louis to back home, then edited it in about the most confusing way possible.

I read the novel a few months ago to prepare for this and thought it was just okay (I loved Gone Girl, so I was a little disappointed). But I loved this - the mood comes across so much more powerfully, and Amy Adams makes Camille way more interesting (same goes for Chris Messina). There’s something bizarrely

I was in way over my head.

People called Romanes they go the house?

Counterpoint. I took Latin as my language in high school and found that doing so has made it easier to learn other languages that are related to Latin.

I could mostly tell by the hands. Those aren’t Ditko hands. I just assumed Severin b/c she tried to imitate his style more than anyone else who took over that book.

I was genuinely pleased when they finally gave movie Spider-Man Ditko eyes in the latest iteration.