
If she is going to demand being addressed respectfully, shouldn’t it be Dr. Quin? Just because you’ve decided on a life as a deranged, murderous, super villain, they still can’t take that degree away.

It is called acting, and your response is called “being a silly sod”.

Weren’t Eddie Redmayne and Jared Leto lauded for how well they portrayed transgender characters? Won a bunch of awards?

Dammit!!! (Must— pretend— to be— a good— loser...)

you ruined it by explaining it

Seriously tho. Name one person that doesn’t have a thing for that goddess

What, you don’t?

He was probably just overwhelmed by all the close-up shots of dancing ballerina feet.

Call Sign: Punchable Face

THANK you.

Whether or not the rest of the movie is any good is debatable...” um, what? The entire movie is a goddamn modern classic, this whole “hating things people love for no good reason” thing is getting fucking exhausting.

I mean this in the most complimentary way, but your dad is hank hill.

Where in the name of Highfather is Mister Miracle? Exquisite art and the best dialogue I’ve ever read in a comic book (I’d love someone here to provide material for me to challenge my opinion though).

What, no The Walking Dead?

I jest, it is of course terrible these days.

No Legion? I realize the last episode was difficult for some (I still think we haven’t got all the information and it’s going to be framed in a much more complex manner than the finale indicated) but it was one of the most interesting and puzzling shows on television.

“We are number one!  All others are number two, or lower.”

I really liked the first season of GLOW as a story of empowerment and complex relationships between very different women who bond with each other for a common goal.

So... it was only slightly worse than Infinity War?

Jace Spam

Like all of us, this list needs more Sleep.