

Remember when Barack was President and we didn’t have to worry about who anyone was fucking and what porn they were watching?

This doesn’t really count as pop culture, but it was too cool not to share: we piled my kid into the car and drove out last night to watch the International Space Station soar overhead.  If you can get far enough from city lights to see it, it’s absolutely worth a trip.

That’s how I feel about A Serbian Film. I am not bothered by what happens in it, but that it is a very poorly made movie. It is so obsessed with trying to be shocking, it doesn’t try to do anything to support its story.

Halfway through the series, I’m starting to like the 007 books more than the movies. It’s a bummer that most are such loose adaptations. From Russia With Love may be the best since it takes few liberties. (Both could’ve used a meatier battle with Red Grant.)

A good editor is invaluable to creating good to great movies. (Hell without Margaret Sixel Fury Road would never have worked).

my dad didn’t watch much tv or many movies but one evening at dinner he told us he had seen an interesting movie on tv that afternoon called “the jerk.” as he started to describe it, we realized he had actually watched “conan the barbarian” - the tv guide listing was wrong. when we laughingly asked him if he hadn’t

Your dad is a straight-shooter who tells it like it is.

Anime already taught me everything I need to know about Japanese folklore.

in the new ‘Cloak & Dagger’ comic that just came out they put the cross window on her back so.... progress? (though now she fights in high heels for some reason)

So I watched the HTTYD trailer with my kid this morning, and he says, “So the bad guy is another guy who wants to collect all the dragons?” Maybe it’ll play out in a substantially different way than HTTYD2 did, but it really does seem like the same basic plot: a hidden place full of dragons, and also a bad guy who

For the band! The band.

Speed Racer is kind of underrated, though, right? (Not attributing this to him, necessarily).

He probably should still be in jail

I, for one, am looking forward to seeing Al’s feet.


I remember him guesting on the John Larroquette show

To this day I can’t help but call people whale-eating morons on a regular basis. No one has the first clue what I’m talking about.

I hate that Kinja shoved a “poo jogger caught!” article in my browser right beside this sad and touching article.