
Dafuq kind of shitshow are they running over there? Everyone looks bad, making idiotic statements, and then this guy who never shows up on set and doesn’t get his shit in on time or with context? It’s amazing they can cobble together such a well-liked show.

I’m from Dublin

The Mike Meyers-era SNL parody remains the best Real World episode ever filmed.

Didn’t it jump the shark with Puck? Not just because of him, but because that felt like the season where the manipulation became more visible. He was clearly selected to cause conflict. And for all the good that came out of Pedro and and a look at living with HIV without some of the judgment that had accompanied it

I worked in bars for 6 years and after enough times of seeing tips stolen off the bar, whenever I’m at a restaurant or bar and I’m leaving a cash tip, I always just give it directly to the server. I guess it made me cynical cus I just don’t trust people when cold, hard, cash is laying out.

If Spider-Ham makes at least a cameo in the movie than this will be the greatest superhero movie ever.

Maybe they could have remade the ending of the original Ocean’s 11?

(James Corden), flown in to provide comic relief

I could watch an entire series of Amber Midthunder’s, Kerry just walking the earth and kicking ass. Kerry and Kung Fu, with Jules Winnfield as her partner.

We’re this many years into the “Arrowverse” and its writers, across multiple shows, still haven’t learned how to plot out rational development arcs! Characters like Wally are just victims of an incompetent system. I know it’s just CW fluff with no real stakes, but come on.

If I’m not mistaken Johnny Depp is actually in that trailer right? Also that looks pretty awful.

My wife and I ate a restaurant once and we noticed a bus boy pocketing a tip while clearing a table near us. We were the only couple in the restaurant, so business was obviously not good. When our waiter checked that table, after delivering our food, he looked perturbed and asked us if we had seen a tip. Startled by

He’ll always be The Waffler to me.

*anxiously awaiting Asylum’s “Hornet” movie.

A billion upvotes for you, my friend.

Buy a Roomba. Live the adventure, yourself!

Like that the Transformers are a little more recognisable when in robot form - big chunks of metal and colour instead of the generic metal shards approach taken in the other movies.

I wish that sounded ridiculous.  Sounds incredibly plausible to me.