
Still trying to work out in my head where Solo fits in the SW timeline, and how Darth Maul can be running a criminal empire at this juncture. When Maul first appeared in Rebels, I had gotten the notion that he’s spent all these years after the Clone Wars trying to figure out the secrets of that Sith temple. I guess

Elan Sleazebaggano would take issue with that statement

Agree completely. PM is obviously not without (many) faults, but it’s far better than the other two prequels. Maul is a big part of that, as is Qui-Gon.

One year for a Halloween party, a friend of mine dressed as Thompson and I came as Dr Gonzo. They problem was, if I wasn’t standing next to him, nobody could understand my costume. Couple of people thought I was supposed to be Ron Jeremy.

Chick-fil-A fries are the only fries that I dip in a combo of ketchup and mayo. In no other instance would I consider mayo as a fry condiment.

My gut reaction usually puts Hemispheres at the top of the list. However, Moving Pictures isn’t a bad choice, since its this kind of weird mix of friendly radio hits on side one and superior deep cuts on the B-side.

I still have a Rash t-shirt that was a giveaway with a dvd purchase of one of their live shows.

He liked Prince as a musician, but was disappointed that he didn’t speak up during the whole Tipper Gore fiasco, especially considering it was a Prince song that started the whole thing.

I kind of understand how the hosts could only shoot non-lethal rounds at park guests in Westworld, but how in the hell did they make it safe for guests in Shogunworld? Can’t have a non-lethal arrow shot at you.

Yeah, it definitely wasn’t cheap. Plus it’s entirely in Japanese, so all of the pages without pictures are lost on me.

I find it kind of crazy we are getting two new Mechagodzillas this year. First was the one they used in Ready Player one, which was like a mashup of the Showa and Millennium versions. Then later this year there’s the animated Godzilla sequel, with a really weird Mechagodzilla that looks like a playpus crossed with a

I picked up the “Art of Shin Godzilla” book, and it shows all kids of crazy ideas they had for the creatures that Godzilla was getting ready to shed. Some looked like angels, some were bizarre blobs of teeth and eyeballs, another sketch showed Godzilla in some kind of mitosis phase, with a duplicate version coming out

I’m guessing it all depends on the travel budget. If your employer can’t foot the bill for a full week of hotels, airfare, car service, plus all the other expenses, then I can see why the person going will just take what they can get.

Jai Courtney and Scott Eastwood would like in on this movie you speak of.

She should have never brought that cursed tiki idol back from Hawaii

For a second there, I wasn’t sure if you were making a joke, or if that was an actual plotline from the show I missed. Could go either way.

I like that scenario, like maybe she’s cursed and that’s why her husband, sister, friends and coworkers keep paying the price with their lives.

I’d like to think that the final episode of this series ends will all of the surviving characters being admitted to an insane asylum after the crushing reality that most of their friends, family and coworkers have all died horrible deaths over the years, and they just cant take it anymore.