
so basically; jackass wrecks obsolete car while driving like a jackass. In other news, every modern car in production makes a safe stop under similar circumstances, including corollas and 12 year old pick-up trucks with ABS

I know far more people who hate that retractable screen than like it. Why do you think Audi added that button to make it go away right on the dash of the new A6?? It’s both gaudy and stupid.

The S3 is not a $50k luxury car. It’s a decent $35k Golf R, tho. Except that it doesn’t come in stick. And it isn’t as useful as a hatchback. And it’s got a gaudy motorized dash screen. And it’s the last car with Audi’s previous generation dashboard.

this. the A3 is a hateful little piece of brand engineering. If you want the engineering in this car, buy the Golf R. the S3 sells you nothing but a badge and a motorized screen guaranteed to break right after the warranty expires. It’s not that I think it’s a bad car. I think the people who buy it aren’t that smart.

the S4 with a stick, period.

Just from the look of them, I wouldn’t think those kids old enough to be left alone with a potato gun and a case of Coors, much less a fully automatic weapon with an undermount grenade launcher.

then you inferred incorrectly. The point I was trying to make is that there are enough risks external to your car that they can (and should be) a full time focus rather than having to worry about risks internal to your car.

“mitigate” is not a synonym to “eliminate”, and it’s use was deliberate.

surplus LMTV with troop seats.

because I can at least see Kaylee sipping on her double cream from Starbucks and sexting on her phone in the rear view. I also can watch her tires, because no matter where her head is pointing, her Tahoe Hybrid is going where the wheels point. The people around me are risks I can either mitigate or avoid, and they


I’m gonna say crack pipe. It might be nice, it might not, but if you’re thinking about going over 100 mph in a pile of fiberglass and junkyard parts assembled by “some guy in Arizona”... well, there are cheaper ways to die.

you know what? fuck these things.

this is actually incredibly common. the hydraulic rams don’t get locked down and they creep up every time the suspension cycles. These are dump trucks - they don’t have dynamics. The driver just boogies along at 65 mph until he catches a bridge.

not cars, but in the ‘premium’ end of the market, Festool and Sawstop also do product price fixing across all dealers. Seems to work for them.

Saturn did this for years. It was popular for many.

why is this news? A few thousand VW’s spontaneously incinerating in one day isn’t anything special; It’s pretty much any VW service department work docket on any day of the week.

clearly I did not!

I knew about all of those.

both can and do exist.