I have and it’s not the same. I also despise the fact that it’s an expensive option that requires expensive regular maintenance and if/when it spits out the mechatronic unit, it’s expensive to fix.
I have and it’s not the same. I also despise the fact that it’s an expensive option that requires expensive regular maintenance and if/when it spits out the mechatronic unit, it’s expensive to fix.
in 2005, my wife and I were in SF and Audi had a display of the new A3 at the Palace of Fine Arts. She sat in it and loved it. In 2006 when she needed to replace her 10 year old civic, she wanted to go test drive one. She did, she loved it, and she ruined my bargaining posture with the dealer as she giggled through…
classic 240z cars. when comparing against the same era, they’re as good or better than a porsche in every possible category. And they have working heat. And they’re better looking (you know it’s true!, admit your shame!)
I’m going to rattlecan paint my 2002 Tacoma. Haven’t built up the nerve to tell my wife that, yet.
you might want to mention in your article that a lot of B7 RS4 owners were actually kinda pissed when the B8 S4 came out. The 3.0T motor in the B8 chassis is pretty much just as fast as the B7 RS4 and that’s before the ridiculous gains that could be had with tunes and undersized pulleys on the newer S4’s.
from a realistic standpoint, does truck marketing even matter? Everyone I know who owns a full size pick-up basically equates brand with religion. To swap religions, you basically need to marry out of it or be betrayed horribly. I assume the same is true of most full size truck owners.
I believe you overestimate the intelligence of the target demographic for this pick-up truck
Just to put this in context, this thing costs more than a decently loaded S4 and is pissing distance under an M3. I’m not saying that’s right or wrong, but for f’s sake, I’d rather have the S4 and a beater pick-up that,might you know, actually get USED FOR WORK AND STUFF.
well ‘technically’ you should mix the ammonium nitrate with the diesel fuel first, so it’s probably worth the extra time to repeated stab the fuel tank with an icepick (and possibly other offending portions of the car interior as your tastes may dictate)
see, the thing with a Prius is that it has this superpower over the VW;
I am morally opposed to this post, as anyone commenting Jalop will tell you; a recorded engine sound is FAKE and therefore must be hated.
in a word, yes. The new(er) ones are abominations more than the last ones. The other stuff I mentioned is relevant to the 2009-forward generation. The self-destructing fuel pump one is my favorite, since if it goes, it sprays atomized metal all over the inside of the fuel system. The (then) VW solution was to replace…
well played, sir.
Aside from the fact that this thing is PIG SLOW, it also likes to eat camshafts. DO NOT WANT, and no amount of tacked-on GTI bits is going to change that. I HATE TDi VW’s with the fire of a thousand suns, and wish a fiery death brought on by spun camshaft bearings, detonated fuel pump shards in the fuel rail, blown…
this announcement means nothing to me unless I can get a Tesla with plaid upholstery.
it’s got a SBC under the hood which can be built (or replaced) with up to 500 HP by funding it with the change found between the couch cushions. it’s got a fiberglass body that didn’t rust in the past 4 decades, it weighs nothing. it’s got a stick. There is nothing wrong with this car. I would spend whatever it takes…
I kinda want the GLA45. it’s just so gonzo.
that’s not an answer, it’s a metaphor.
my biggest complaint against the F-35 s the idea that someone is going to use a precious low volume high cost asset for strafing runs and ground support, where it is expected to get the everloving crap kicked out of it by ground based attacks. With 120 rounds. It’s nonsense. You want something dead reliable with nigh…
so if the F-35 is so strongly favored in a long-range engagement before visual contact is even established, then I would agree that there is a strong argument that the dogfighting capability is over rated.