How are you using 338 megs in Openbox?
How are you using 338 megs in Openbox?
2 years is a long long time for Linux Distros. Looking over the 5 there, that poll would be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy different today.
My children can make their own damn money. They wont be getting any of mine.
This article sounds like it was written by someone who just lost all of their money .... Bad investment?
Eneloops are #1 without question, but AmazonBasics are pretty decent. Considering which devices actually still use standard AA/AAA/C/D/9v Batteries, I would have no problem using AB's over Eneloops. The only exception I can think of where I'd rather have the reliability of an Eneloop is a Camera or a GPS.
Eneloops are #1 without question, but AmazonBasics are pretty decent. Considering which devices actually still use…
"GNOME Shell is one of the oldest Linux desktop environments," ... What ??? Ummm NO. Gnome Shell is one of the NEWEST. It was released in 2011.
I've seen worse ... way worse ... but yea, it is pretty bad.
Dont use a marker. Even a permanent one will rub off of that smooth surface after the 2nd time you use it. Cut/Etch the mark into it instead. I use a dremel, but a hacksaw or any serrated blade will work.
This guide is nice, but its a tad off. 1 'coffee' cup is 5-6oz .. not 8oz. Its typically 1 1/2 Tbsp per 6oz cup.
Sandwiches dont last long enough to care how they are assembled. Just throw the stuff on there and eat it.
I have a 2012 Fusion that I got used this past winter. Its transmission problems are well known, but I havent noticed anything wrong so far. I know everyone was waiting for a software/firmware update, but I havent heard if one was ever released. It's a Great Car.
I dropped my Sprint Unlimited for their 1gb/month plan. Saved me $20/month. I also dropped the mandatory $20 4G bill from my old phone that they never told me I didnt need anymore. $40/month saved.
Google Now does the same thing.
Thats a very common trick. I could probably pick out 100 items in the store exactly like that.
You know ... if you wouldnt post this, no one would know about it...
There are 100 different cell carriers??? Wow, I never would have guessed that.
I cant +1 this enough. Depending on your machine it can be a paiiinnn to clean, but it makes up for it in how much nicer it comes out.
By that logic, I dont know if a single person on the planet should be driving ...
I would definitely MUCH rather deal with slow drivers than with the idiotic morons that do 60 with an inch of Ice on the road.
I used to buy all of my stuff (mostly watercooling stuff) at But they recently updated their website and now it is almost unusable. Its impossible to navigate now.