
I feel very fortunate that I see maybe 1 or 2 Stink Bugs per week.

Mazda didnt get its "Zoom Zoom" motto for nothing. The Mazda2 is a sporty little ride. It might not be overly quick, but its nimble. When you are behind the wheel of one, sometimes your foot has more control than your brain.

20 Years ago actually. 1994.

The Topaz???? Didnt they stop making that car like 15 years ago?

Yea I hate that. I'll be watching TV in bed .. barely able to stay awake, but wanting to watch the end of the show. Then when the show is finally over, suddenly I'm wide awake and cant sleep.

Thats like putting a brand new 600hp engine in a Honda Civic and being surprised that it gave you more performance increase than just a tune up and exhaust upgrade...

Just research which bearing(s) that the fan you are interested in uses. Sleeve are the worst and should be avoided at all cost. Ball are great. They last longer than you'll ever need them too, and in some cases can even be replaced (Gentle Typhoon). Fluid/Hydraulic are hit or miss. If you get the right one they

Avoid Noctua at all costs (pun intended). They are so outrageously priced compared to their performance benefit. Not to mention that hideous color scheme. I recommend Scythe's Gentle Typhoons if you want maximum cooling performance or Cougar's CFD 120/140 fans for absolute silence and still terrific air flow.

$16 for 48oz of Almonds from SamsClub ... Estimating roughly 6 1 cup servings from the bag. $2.66 per serving. Not counting for the vanilla, cinnamon and salt .. but that would only a few cents. So we're talking less than $3 for 1 Quart of Almond Milk.

You probably just got a bad brand. Almond Milk is amazing. Its so good I would be willing to pay twice what it costs.

Spread that on some fish (any kind, tho I prefer Sea Bass or Sole .. even Tilapia is good) and broil it.

Regular 'Peanut'butter is cheap enough to not really be worth making your own. Unless, of course, you want it without rat hairs and whatever else they put in the jar. The other 'nut' butters are outrageously expensive.

This is great, and I will definitely be trying most if not all of these.

"What's nice about Authy, though, is that you can install it on your PC too—so if you lose your phone, you can still get that second factor."

Whats all this ... 'reheating' nonsense? Leftover Pizza (on the rare occasion that any is left) goes straight from the fridge to my mouth. Cold pizza is the best thing in the world. Sometimes I'll order a Pizza a day early, just to have it cold the next day when I want it.

Hell I didnt even know they MADE any other brand of Ketchup.

I've been using a fake name on Facebook for years. Never had any issues.

This is great. I've been looking for something like this.

Its Beautiful but Themer is completely broken for the HTC One M8.

For the same reason that Windows dominates the market even tho there are much much much (x1000) better options. People dont know.