I know logging into my router is a royal pain in the rear. Sometimes I'm not even sure its MY router i'm looking at.
I know logging into my router is a royal pain in the rear. Sometimes I'm not even sure its MY router i'm looking at.
Have you ever actually looked at the quality of the meat and cheese they use? I dont know how they are in other states, but I've been to 6 of them in my area, and I wouldnt feed that crap to the guy that shot my dog. You can find better quality food in a dumpster behind a Thai restaurant, than you would at Subway. …
Or do the actual best thing and dont drink Dairy milk at all. Drink Almond Milk. Far better for you, and it tastes a heck of alot better. Unless you are allergic to nuts/almonds, then you are out of luck.
Bull. Complete and total BS. It has been proven time and time again that failure rates in the long term on HDD manufacturers are almost identical down to the 1% mark. I can guarantee with 100% certainty that Backblaze is being sponsored by either Hitachi or WD or both. There is absolutely no doubt.
Its pretty obvious from the vote results that 79% of Lifehackers's readers are sheep. I can all but guarantee that atleast 60 of the 64 people who voted for VLC are also using Internet Explorer and Winamp.
Apparently the author never used Google Drive, because everything written about it here is flatout wrong. You do NOT need to do anything with Google+ ever. You can share files from Google Drive directly from Windows Explorer.
Chrome is NOT the #1 Browser. PERIOD. The only reason it is ranked #1 is because they are counting the millions of accidental installs, that are bundled with every single .exe file being downloaded. Misleading doesnt even begin to describe it.
Its "Close" but it is definitely not null or void 'yet'. Chrome still has a way to go before they are on Firefox's level.
The whole "Crashing" thing boggles my brain. I've had HUNDREDS of Tabs open daily in both Firefox and Chrome, and I havent had a browser crash in almost 3 years. It must be certain extensions.
We're forgetting there is a opposite end of the spectrum too. Salaried employees can also work super LOW hours and make MORE money.
... What is a Vacation? Sick Day? Never heard of it.
Quite common actually
Humble Bundle is freaking awesome. I've payed $22.50 for $500 worth of games in the past year. HTF do you beat that!?!
I shipped a Laptop a few months ago with a 10" thick layer of bubble wrap stuffed inside a box filled with peanuts. Never found out if it arrived ok, but I doubt it had any problems.
Aaagghhh I HATE THAT STUFF!!!. I had something delivered the other day and they used it.
Not everyone makes $55k/year or more. Some of us barely make $20-30k/year, and are barely able to pay our bills.
Heh ... so I guess not going to college and having only about $5k in credit card debt is looking pretty good right now.
Is there anything they DONT sell at Amazon? I wouldnt be the least bit surprised if there was a section for Russian Brides, hidden on the website somewhere.
Best Buy is the absolute worst place to buy anything unless its an extreme emergency (ie your HDD just fried and you cant wait 2 days for a replacement). Their prices are unbelievably high most of the time.
Technically i dont think the ones from the Dollar Store are actually "Surge Protectors" lol.