
In Aus we don't have this class (because I dunno - corporations have rights or something) but in my year 10 government class I had a teacher who intentionally would put aside one class a week for something like this. So like, our rights if we are being spoken to by cops (something a few people in our school did need

Oh no some probably have, and then some dude has assumed that all women do it to please men and then tell all women - as you did above- their boner doesn't like it.

May I speak on behalf of heterosexual women and inform you that we don't do that shit for guys. We do it for us, for our self esteem and for fun.

But but but they were ignoring their humanity in a NICE way. Only barely beat them and dehumanised them at all.

Oooh except the rape kit found his semen INSIDE her vagina. With, tell me, how did that get in there? The only person who says he didn't put it in there is him, otherwise all the other witnesses, including his friends, have said he did engage in penetrative sex. Why is he, the person accused of a crime, more

No fuck that. Why do we have to hold his hand,, when no one held his victims? He needs counselling, but he needs it from inside jail, where people who commit crimes, such as the crime he committed, go. To be a truly progressive society we can’t let people get away with actual crimes.

The teacher, if I’m remembering the right year, was actually a super nice polish lady who probably genuinely thought it would be even for all the kids, not that some would get heaps and others little. I remember the next activity being much more inclusive, so she probably was actually a it surprised by the disparity.

I didn't know she was an elected official actually. I only found out by reading the comments. I guess because in Aus we don't elect officials to do trivial shit like marriage licenses, so mine may have been foreigner ignorance.

Them saying that you did do stuff and labelling you a slut and stuff reminded me of this thing I read. Like if a dude lies about you having sex, you should roll with it but make it really bad. Be like ‘Yeah we had sex, but cried the whole time? And it only lasted a minute and he kept farting and stuff.’ Like, turn it

I had the opposite. In sixth grade I was one of the first to get boobs/body hair etc. I would have been the slut, but they reserved that for my friends with bigger boobs, I just ended up being 'that weird fat chick with boobs'. She was automatically the slut, the whore, because she hit puberty first. There is

We did something similar in my 3rd grade class. Like, we had to choose 3/4 people in class/friends to write nice things about, then give it to them. I think I gave out four and, in a class of twenty-something, I got one or two back. Everyone else got way way more. It defined a lot of interactions/anxiety I have when

I think the main problem with it, aside from being terrible, is that is turns a trans woman into a costume. There’s an inherent difference between a trans woman deciding to dress as Caitlyn Jenner (which still might be strange, but not inherently bad) and a costume advertised as for men (the sizing is all US men’s

um excuse u, I am that cool chick. tjhis is totally funny okay, I mean it's not like girls are people who anything. penises go in us, that's the joke guys. learn to lighten up. i'm not friends w other girls because of drama etc etc.

part of me was convinced that this woman wasn't real, but u had to go and be somewhat not really related to her. it's scarier than it is funny.

actually, no, her being rude would have been dine. because they are trash people, who left their dog in a car.

Yeah, thing is some 25 year olds do live at home nowadays due to the high cost of living. It’s not unreasonable to assume that there are more reasons than ‘lol loser’ for someone living at home. However, a 25 year old man who brings an underage girl back to his home, wherever or with whomever it may be, is a fucked

I don't know where in the world u can do this sort of thing tho. I mean, a) who has the time for this shit and b) where do u live that snakes aren't a concern.

Australia is a largely a Jersey Shore.

well, you're not wrong.

That's an awesome way to get people to exercise harder. I'd sit up until bled dripped from my ears and clogged out his bullshit. But then I wouldn't go back, so it only works one time per person.