
@Arken: Yeah, that's just not as bad as most crimes against actual people. O.J., anyone? People > dogs.

Pff. I was on IRC picking up girls from neighboring colleges in '94.

News with a different slant is not news without a slant. I have yet to see news without a slant. The only thing that has changed about news throughout my lifetime is how it is perceived by the gullible masses.

Security questions are ridiculous and unsafe. I make up random and unguessable fake answers to security questions, but keep them the same across all sites that use these so I can remember them. Also, this guy looks like retarded Matt Damon.

@Bant: Electric Burger: Americans' fear of/guilt about saying anything negative about Africa is "racist" and patronizing, which is worse.

@seanism: Well, just because Apple can't fix it doesn't mean it's not a deal-breaker for some people. Also, Sprint is CDMA and I can do voice/data simultaneously on my Evo, but only on 4g. I don't know V's will do that, but it'd be a solution.

@Bender123-His death machine is spinning up: I think it was expected because it's the same old iPhone, only on a new network. Apple saves the fanfare for the new products. There will probably be a new iPhone out in 6-8 months. Why Verizon isn't flooding the airwaves with commercials is beyond me.

@C0ldFusi0n: That's beautiful, man. If I were getting that here I'd have stayed with ATT. I drop below that on 4g sometimes!

@Eric Walker: Yes but it requires a color printer to print the money to emulate the monetary savings.

@Emperor_was_a_jerk: Count me as one. I have a good grasp on where my food really comes from, and certain fish and animals just look tasty to me. It's sad what we have done to the process via big business, but in its simplest form, milk from a healthy and happy cow is a wonderful thing, and eating a freshly-killed

@samuraibsd: Let's take up a collection to hire Bruce Willis at his normal acting rate to go kick this guy's ass. I'll hold the money...

@Zordon: It's probably also expensive to pay the people to track him down when he doesn't report in. And to pay the people to deal with the robbery victims when he does it again. And expensive to get a new career when you're the politician who thinks it's OK to put criminals on the street with a slap on the wrist, and

When my wife had her phone stolen from her purse (pickpocket), we called it and the thief wanted to sell it back to us, but never went through with the transaction. Lucky for him, actually, because the last thing I was going to do was buy it back. Same goes for the 4 other guys I was bringing with me just in case.

@zeroprime: Alternatively, I see sitting on the beach browsing the web/streaming music as a luxury. When I went to the Bahamas and had no data on Sprint, I felt cheated. (Sprint advertises a price for data there, but no data was there.) Yes, I found other things to do, but that was one thing I was looking forward to,

@C.BledsoeJr: Enough of your sense-making! (Just wanted to promote this.)

@EnochLight: Your heating bill must suck with all this climate change.

@reuthermonkey: Post Speedtest results or GTFO. I have never seen anything get 4Mbps on ATT 3g, and I had them in NYC for over 5 years.

@Hami83: The day you find a corporation with emotions, we're all dead.

@vel0city: I don't know what's funnier, the "(no, really)" or the fact that the negative one gets zillions of hits!

Slick and overpriced for the specs? They really ARE copying Apple!