
@Rico Yeah he really looks like he's suffering in all those pics. He's clearly the real victim here. You know who made that computer you're using right now? You should totally boycott cheap Asian labor and stop using it to post.

Than its primary function. It's good at whatever it was made for, but even more effective at getting a phone back. It's clunky in this context. "this bottle opener is an even better eye poker"

I would argue that the detractors weren't wrong; it just succeeded anyway. Unless you're looking at it from a business standpoint, why does the fact that it pleases the masses mean it's better? The problem with every comment on Gizmodo since day 1 of the iPad is that we keep co-mingling success with better. Are the

That's a reason not to take them away?? What kind of logic is this? Unless you're proposing a life sentence in jail or the death penalty instead, how would any punishment ensure someone doesn't repeat offend? We can't modify his brain. (legally) Should we punish no one?

Even further, for every million scrubs overproducing and pushing the technology farther, we'll get one who uses this in such a way that is art in and of itself. But the technology wouldn't be there without the millions of mediocrity pushing the evolution of the technology in the first place. So we need these

That's a deceivingly complicated and great point to ponder. We hold what we consider "great music" sacred, as if it is simply better on its own merits. It's like a religion. I'd punch someone for insulting Dave Grohl. Yet, who am I to say what's better, and why? I like the Sex Pistols way better than most classical,

When corporations do this, it's a dog and pony show. Leave us Apple-haters out of this.

Been away for awhile but I see things are just as I left them.

ATT has ALWAYS been faster and less reliable than Verizon. Did everyone forget already??

@xido: Nah. The appearance of a pro-apple bias comes from the fact that many of the writers are users of iPhones and MacBooks, so the reviews of other products come from the perspective—inadvertently— of a critical outsider who is used to doing things one way, and is now checking out another one that is foreign to

@Ari Schwartz: Well, we're only human, and limited as such. The luckiest of us have occasional flashes of perspective, like your second statement. At least we're thinking and not knee-jerk reacting. Cheers to you.

@Faslane: I actually don't think we should know if our athletes are dbags, or care. If the guy can play football and the government thinks he should be back in society, then let him play. Pulling his endorsements was completely fair game, however. What's the point of letting someone out of jail if they don't get a

The Fleshbot article will be: "Ever Wonder What Mike Vick Saw in Prison?" With soap-cam.

@waltcoleman: I hear you, but they're publicly debating it, and will publicly announce how it turns out. They also want to get re-elected, so if it is such an unpopular move, they won't do it. Our government has the power to go in and shut things down without permission or warning using sheer brute force if the

@rex7: From what I have read on the topic in the past, VOIP doesn't play well with data transmission. I originally looked it up because I wanted to fax through a VOIP line. Even if it did, setting up internet-sharing through free VOIP would require some serious MacGuyver action.

@hj85d3g: I hope it's an IRL folder with printed papers, for when the power is out!

@dgkz0idberg: I have a few (admittedly only a few) fond memories that say otherwise. IRC was massive in '94.

@seanism: All that matters to our society is that he doesn't do it anymore. Imagine if we judged people because they wanted to kill their boss, rather than actually doing it. Unless he's running for office, who cares what he thinks?