
@digihead: Damn. All this time I thought my 5 windows machines were working great. Thanks for enlightening me. BRB, gotta go throw them away.

@knightvash: You know what? I'd like to see the accident that made them put those wheels on to stop the impaling!

@Norbs: Don't H8. Wakka wakka wakka.

@justinpe: No but this is the first time hardware has evolved enough to run a real OS on one.

@The Werewolf: Nah man, if it doesn't look/act like an iPad it's crap. Didn't you get the memo? It was entitled "Form > Function or Why our Country is Going Down the Toilet." Now get back in Starbucks and start tweeting about it.

@lizon: Not every tablet ever created ever for the rest of our lives has to fit into the paradigm set forth by the iPad. Asus is putting forth so many tablets. They are not all intended for the same purposes.

@JeffPom: I am glad because it was a little annoying that they so easily wrote-off Windows 7 tablets based on a bunch of assumptions. Heck, why even go? Just sit at home and predict it all for us.

@Ian Logsdon: This is the aspect ratio of every modern device. It's only getting farther from old conventions, with letterbox TVs coming out. Anyways, I like having room for controls and information above and below my documents. Plus, think of websites and how much less scrolling you'd need. 8.5 x 11 paper will just

@ihaveascreenname: When talking about a game, you have a point. When talking about this speific incident, you're probably miles off the mark. Not to mention, Beerman's comment that started all of this was a simple fact expressed in one sentence.

In my experience, staple software like antivirus or office programs, get "pirated" very often by people who have no idea even what software piracy is. So many times I see someone's mom, aunt, or grandparents get a new computer and the trial everything expires after that first month. What happens? Call the "family

@A Magician Named Gob: Nah that was a buzzkill. A handfull of cool busses make no difference to the environment. Nothing to do with NASCAR.

I love that it reminds me of my old Tilt. I love HTC. That said, I don't want this phone. I am jaded to tiny 3.7"screens now. I am happy this phone exists though. I think I'm gonna snag a used Tilt on eBay now and flash ROMs, for old time's sake. *sniffle*

@cturcotte82: HTC has viable competitors for every phone out there. That said, how is the slide-out keyboard a step backwards? How can you judge one preference over another? They're just options.

@KamWrex: You know 4g refers to the data speeds, regardless of what the rest of the phone's specs are, right?

@Ashaleeeee: I'm not criticizing, but I found it funny that you mention not drinking underage anymore, as if you stopped doing something, instead of just getting older!

First they screw up wrestling, now they screw up documents.

@DreamTheEndless: I was under the impression plasma does 600Hz. It was probably for a plasma. In fact, I think I know the commercial you are referring to, and it IS for a plasma. It was in the fine print, but no one likes to say "plasma" anymore because everyone assumes it means "inferior."

This guy makes sense. Not only do they not trust us, but we don't trust them, and they don't trust each other.

Imagine wikileaks published to your wife what you really thought of when the hot chick at work walks past your desk, or if she looked fat in those pants when she asked last week. If you think diplomats' notes need to be published then you don't really know what diplomacy is or why it's necessary.