
I'm sorry; fanboys and feuds aside, a (slightly less than) 3.5-inch screen doesn't need that resolution. Better for reading? What? The microfiche app? It's their biggest selling point, and it's nice, but not so important. I have an EVO, but I want to see this "retina screen" (gag) side-by-side against an Incredible

Why couldn't I have thought of this? Why? It's so simple but so goooood.

@Dion Roberts: I wouldn't complain; my phone is 800x480 and I love it. I am just saying it's obvious why they doubled the pixels in each direction, regardless of how they sell it.

@ctxppc: That'd be a lot of apps to recompile!

@ctxppc: Yes, the OS will have to double the pixels, or only display the app on 1/4 of the screen. If it's simple pixel-doubling, there's basically no math and it's easy for the OS to do. Any more than basic multiplication of pixels would require an algorithm to decide how to render it, which would require more

"...not:pants" Well if I knew it was THAT kinda party...

$29 ?!?!

@daftrok: Well, then pixel-doubling wouldn't solve the problem of getting all those iPhone apps to show up right on the screen. They were forced to double, or solve that problem in a more complicated way that eats resources.

The specs look pretty impressive, but nothing earth-shattering except the resolution. The mention of it being so slim, however, seems the best part to me. All-in-all, this does not make me regret my EVO (which I am just so in love with right now), but it's certainly nothing to sneeze at.

Oh, no, it's not EXACTLY doubled in each direction because that was the only way you can make legacy apps look perfect with simple pixel-doubling and go hi-res at the same time. It's because of the properties of the human retina... Suuuure.

ADHD is evolution. In another generation or two, everyone will be able to do 20 things at a time in short spurts, as long as they are educated in a way that accommodates their new way of thinking.

Maybe an e-reader virus would do the trick.

@flying_chairs: Since companies don't do anything unless it makes them money or advances their own interests somehow (nor should they), some people see through the friendly facade they put over whatever they do. Some fall for it. What people fail to realize, however, is that companies are not evil for being greedy.

@themightyspitz: I know exactly what you mean, and it's kind of creepy. Nothing should ever be shot that way except a specific type of porn. It made me uncomfortable.

@annemckinn: I see where you're coming from, but once you paste the text, you can simply delete their forced citing. It's not effective at all for preventing plagiarism, while creating an extra step for anyone doing their own kind of citing. On top of that, he says tynt is sending tracking information to their