
@myootnt: I don't! That one is way cooler than the Grand Am. (While still being ridiculous...)

Step 8: Take out a HUGE life insurance policy.

@Adam Shegrud: Guys, the iPhone has only been out for 3 years. (less) Yes, it's wildly successful. I am talking long-term strategy, within the context of the platform war he brought up. Hardware chained to software seems to be a bad longterm strategy for "computers." It's arguable that MacOS might have beaten

@johnmconroy: The novelty of the multi-touchy phone/tablety thingy. The collective yawn starts in about a year or so, I'll bet. The world can only be in the process of being revolutionized for so long before it needs something else.

@Whitson Gordon: As long as you have a carousel in your microwave, you're probably fine. They put them in there because the agitation makes the water do whatever it is going to do before you jostle the container yourself. They're not so food cooks evenly, like most people think.

Well, they weren't fighting because they chose to keep the hardware locked down. That's fair enough to say. It's impossible to compete against millions of hardware manufacturers cranking out cheap Windows PCs when you're Apple and a closed system. It's almost as if you can't dominate hardware or software if each is

As a man who is happily married to a smart, beautiful, independent, and strong-minded woman, I would like to offer some food for thought:

I never noticed I couldn't do this before! I like the solution given here, but now I am annoyed at Google that this isn't an option without an extension.

Gawker should import a stack of these, brand them, and sell them to users for $150 each, preloaded with all kinds of Gawker apps and a sprinkling of advertising. I'd buy one right now.

I saw this a while back, and had some realizations:

@femme-bot: That's all I took away from that pic, too.