
Protip: Contrary to popular belief, a wife-beater is not sufficient sunblock for a toddler.

The best troll filter I have ever used is my own common sense. The posts can be identified a mile away and skipped, using only my eyes and a mouse. So far, it's still freeware!

@ohsosaucy: Um... I hope it's easier than that! I don't have a few years to get good at beginner level.

@tammygarrison: Nah, you have a great point. Here's the thing: I didn't mean FAT women unite; I meant WOMEN unite. :-P Not everyone offended by them doesn't fit into their clothing. Using porn stars as models doesn't help their cause either. Don't be quiet, but yelling at a huge, privately-owned corporation is like

Don't complain; vote with your dollar. Organize and boycott. If it's profitable for them to continue this way, they will. Welcome to capitalism. I could go on about how I also think that plus-size model is attractive, how I'm not into the elitism of it all, but it's irrelevant. It's their right to be douchebags, and,

"Yemen looks safe according to this map. Let's go there..."

Flomax really should have bought that domain name first.

Will buy drinks for stars!

When you reboot the PC, the tray goes in, and your iPod goes crashing to the ground, shattering in so many pieces. I'd love see that in slo-mo set to some classical music. *evil laugh*

My life as a huge example of this. They should have just asked me, and saved tons of time and effort.

I've gotten several tickets for going too fast, but only one for looking too cool.

I'd love to see the future studies of how much a knot in your wire shortens the lifespan of your headphones.