Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children...... fuck you triggered me to go on a rant that has nothing to do with this post.
Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children...... fuck you triggered me to go on a rant that has nothing to do with this post.
That’s unsanitary. He ate it right off the street.
The Cheetahs or the Rhinos. Please.
Stockholm Syndrome?
Because the problem has been so historic, reaching back to pre-WW II, and so widespread, both among athletes and sports, I’m always amazed at the opprobrium heaped upon athletes rather than the sporting governing bodies. I’m not for doping in the slightest, but it’s hard to argue against the idea that many athletes…
So the Galaxy won thanks to some deus ex maquina.
If you don't vote for doormat salesman, fuck you.
This is a pretty ignorant article, in my opinion. This is how refereeing works in literally every sport (strike zones, the NFL catch rule, NBA fouls and flagrant fouls). Also rules like the NFL catch rule have shown that further detail and parsing of the rules can not only not have the intended effect, but can have…
Double runs is a terrible example here.
Not the first time a German has decided to lay his hands on the nether lands. Or as we call them now, the Löw countries.
Lest anyone too young to know might think the draft dodger angle is the biggest insult in this tweet, refusing to call him Ali, and instead insisting on calling him Clay was the racist dog whistle of choice back then. Racist whites refused to do so for years after.
Man, Tim Lincecum looks like shit.
You are missing out, mate.
I assume a Browns jersey comes out.
His right heel never leaves the ice, and his left heel leaves it because, you know, skating.
The longer I watch this SpaceX thing unfold, the more I believe that Elon Musk might just not be crazy. If this technology can be done reliably, it can be scaled up immensely - as in, scaled up to 4,000+ tonne multi-core rockets, with completely reusable first stages. Depending on design and the addition of a little…
Reader John is a dick. Why harass some overworked minimum wage grunts who get disrespected and shat on every day by the public ? Where's the big victory in fucking with the underdog? 'Aw ho ho I got you good, you fuckers!' This is bullying. It sounds like a great prank to the other middle class white collar fatcats…