
China certainly is.

I don’t know about that, I think you might be underestimating what a back to back Democrat in the White House would have done to Congressional Republicans: possibly forced them to compromise.

Thank you for saying what I’ve been waiting to hear someone say for more than a year now!

Also, had Bernie even announced he was running by that point?

Have to disagree with you on one point: unlikely those suits are costly. He’s also a cheap bastard, and looks terrible.

I don’t fully understand it myself, but I think there logic goes something like this: if someone who was making less than me before is now making more, somehow my money is less valuable? I look at it like this: are you happy with what you’re earning? If yes, then you win. Don’t worry about what others are earning.

I had an...interesting conversation with a few of my coworkers recently that basically amounted to: “would you rather have a pay increase or have others who you see as not your peers (people who earn less than you now) not have a pay increase”. Let’s just say I was surprised at how many said they preferred the latter.

Fuck yeah. I’d like to see a bunch of black people in Chipotle with AR-15s next time I go in for a burrito. I bet we’d have Republicans calling for gun control in no time.

Can you imagine he conversations in Mueller’s offices these days? Like, “this fucking guy is just begging to be indicted”

Yep. And then remind McConnell, Ryan, McCain, all of them: you wanted regular order? Fuck you. Now you get to sit back and watch.

You meant the 1850’s, right?

I don’t know why the Freedom Caucus idiots haven’t figured this out by now: the problem isn’t the Speaker. It’s them.

Sadly, I don’t think his supporters will draw the conclusion between this and any negative effects on the economy.

I don’t think China is willing to expend the kind of blood and treasure they would need to take DPRK, especially when the current state of affairs on the peninsula serves them just fine: it provides a buffer for them against a strong western ally, and they get to use it as a bargaining chip that can never really be

It’s not the only option. A perfectly acceptable option do nothing. The chances of DPRK being able to successfully launch and re-enter a warhead and then actually doing it are small. Remember, this is not a military strategy for them, its propaganda.

Thank you! I spent more than a year telling all of my “I Hate Clinton But I Couldn’t Tell You Why” friends that they hate her because someone paid a lot of money for them to feel that way.

What consequences? Congressional republicans might say they’re disappointed?

He’s not wrong that we need to invest in infrastructure, but his plan to do it is terrible, and involves selling our roads, bridges etc to foreign dictators under the guise of sovereign wealth funds. Ask people who drive between Dallas and Austin how they like paying $30 to drive down a road.

But here’s the thing: he’s not even advancing their agenda.

I don’t even understand the logic behind trying to appeal to the pro-lifers. Are these people really going to vote Dem just because a candidate is pro-life?