
That’s actually a fairly level-headed assessment, unfortunately, no one wants to hear that shit, and you’re right. I’m curious about the Goldman transcripts, because I read them, and didn’t think there was anything damaging there. It’s like a piece I read at some point last year, I think it was in Politico, that

I would like to give this comment all the stars!

Yeah, I like how when a vote for something Democrats are trying to pass comes up (universal background checks for guns comes to mind), they’re all: “well, we had a vote on that and it didn’t pass, so that’s it, we shall never bring this up for a vote again” but this time it seems to be “keep voting on it until people

Because we’re trying to tell the truth, which is more complicated. These people just lie, which is easy.

I don’t know why CNN is still booking Gorka, but to his point about cable news being profit driven, I would just say: YOU MOTHERFUCKERS DID THIS! RUPERT MURDOCH AND ROGER AILES WROTE THE PLAYBOOK ON THAT, AND NOW YOU’RE LAMENTING THE FACT? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!

Yep. We have to put up with this shit because Robert Mercer didn’t feel like paying the billions he owes in back taxes. And you know, Putin.

Im guessing IC has evidence that their campaign gave info to the Russians on which states/districts to target, which is serious.

I’ve found myself screaming “say nothing burger one more time!” Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction stylee at the car radio several times in the last few days.

I think you mean this in the past tense, which I can understand, as Russian is likely your first language. And yes, it’s ok, because Putin is a horrible dictator.

Wow, reading this after today’s news about Jr. is...interesting.

Merkel: “first you elected the guy who tried to give me a back rub, now this mental patient. Seriously, America, what the fuck is wrong with you people?”

I have a theory, I almost can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think they’re floating trial balloons for Ivanka to run for office. That is, if she and the entire family aren’t indicted by Mueller.

I’m right there with you. My Twitter feed has been a bit of a horror show the last few months. I feel like I’ve pulled back from the brink of the abyss for now though. Stopped following Louise Mensch, that sort of thing.

When exactly did Clinton talk about going to war with anyone? What news channel were you watching?

She is wrong. One of the choices was lethal, the other was not.

I can’t seem to find the button to give you all the stars. Weird.

I don’t understand it. They’re doing this to score a political victory for a President that has zero political capital less than six months into his first term, terrible approval ratings, and may possibly be impeached or resign. Why?

Something like 100 amendments that they asked for, Democrats accepted, and they still wouldn’t vote for it.

It’s like they’re trying to play a game to find out how many times my head can explode.

This is the upside to him trying to do so much through executive orders rather than legislation, because he’s impatient and basically has zero political capital: it will be relatively easy for the next President to undo much of what he has done.