I hope this is true. I just have a bad feeling lately, due to the fact that we have a Republican controlled Congress, that he’s going to get away with it.
I hope this is true. I just have a bad feeling lately, due to the fact that we have a Republican controlled Congress, that he’s going to get away with it.
Also, police in the U.K. (and the rest of the civilized world, which no longer includes America) don’t bring the hammer down on protesters the way they do here. Sure, someone will post a link to an article about a cop in London roughing up a protester after I’ve posted this, but with nowhere near the frequency and…
It’s got to be enough for obstruction. Nixon only talked about doing what Trump has done, and he was forced to resign.
I used to have a car from one of those dealerships. I traded it in.
Exactly this. I’ve always thought one of the most bizarre aspects of the campaign was an American presidential candidate getting applause (muted applause, but still) from rural audiences for saying “wouldn’t it be great if we got along with Russia?” What did these people stand to gain?
Maybe he meant effective at fucking everything up beyond belief? Or, to quote Rick Wilson: “everything Trump touches dies.”
If we were not now living in some alternate reality hellscape, all of this would have been over by now.
Can you get better coworkers?
It’s a big deal even if it doesn’t result in an attack of domestic or foreign soil, because it exposes intel sources and methods to a country that is basically trying to take over the world: https://www.lawfareblog.com/bombshell-initial-thoughts-washington-posts-game-changing-story
Agree, Claude has some very good sources, as do John Schindler and Louise Mensch.
Sorry to add my voice to the number of people correcting you, I wasn’t trying to be rude. 🙂
Nixon didn’t fire the FBI director, he fired Archibald Cox, the special prosecutor investigating him, but your point is taken. This is actually worse, because we don’t even have a special prosecutor yet. Republicans in the House and Senate can slow roll this all they want.
Don’t leave. May I suggest an alternate plan?
For me, it’s approaching the tipping point of time to take to the streets.
This is one of the things about the election that I still find incredibly sad: at some point the Bernie fans lost their way and saw Hillary as their enemy, and not Trump. Friends of mine, some of whom I have known for a long time and find to be lovely people, but I just couldn’t go down this road with them, and it…
I think we’re talking about the same interview! Was this the one on NPR, I think it was with Steve Inskeep, and at one point Girka said to him “I really wish you would ask me fair questions” or something like that.
Also, they spent the last eight years telling us that terrorism would be stopped dead in its tracks if the President would just say it. Well, now we have a President and several members of his admin who say it at every opportunity, including in his inaugural address, and yet, terrorism continues.
If you believe a lot of the IC rumors going around, it’s too late. Indictments are coming.
Does this mean I never have to hear this ridiculous Nazi fool on NPR evading every question, and acting insulted in the process? Because I almost drove my car off the road in disbelief during that interview. It’s a public health crisis, I’m concerned for my fellow motorists.