
I know exactly what you mean.

I also recommend John Schindler and th3 j3st3r

I don’t know, if you look at what a lot of IC experts are saying, FBI has the info it needs to prosecute now, but they can’t yet because classified and Top Secret intel is inadmissible in court. I wan to believe the counter intel out is still on this, and this leak about Page seems promising.

To be fair, Perez has a point. We just endured a Presidential election where the Democratic nominee had a primary challenger accusing her of taking too much money from special interests, so at some point the party has to decide what it wants to be: the party who can raise tons of money or the party who tells mega

I tend to agree with you, but the cynical part of me wants to say “fuck it, after watching the Republicans act like crybabies for 8 years and running on nothing more than I’m The Most Opposed To Obama, when they have the albatross of an unpopular president hanging off of them, you take advantage of that.”

I have never used Airbnb but have been to Paris several times, and I would say if you can afford it, stick to the hotels. Airbnb just seems too risky to me.

Yeah, I was thinking the same. This is certainly a big story, but I’m having a hard time seeing him get immunity at this point.

And Scooter Libby was even pardoned!

Because by accepting the nomination, she becomes the standard bearer of the party and its platform, which means the question of how she will vote on those issues is settled. Second, the cult of personality we have now, where people believe they are voting for the rock star versus the party, is how we got here. How

The criticism for not visiting certain states enough is ridiculous. I live in New York, and it is an accepted fact among those of us that live here that we will probably never see a Democratic presidential candidate set foot in this state. Why? Because New York is not a contested state, it has won by Democrats in

Key words there being “she came across as” not she actually was any of those things. If you look at her actual policy proposals, it’s pretty clear she was not the conservative monster Bernie and Jill wanted us to believe she was.

I read that piece about the woman in Indiana, and she said she voted for Trump because it had to be done “for the economy”. Like, she was tired of full employment and continued GDP growth.

I remember during the primaries around a year ago, a local radio show had a panel discussion about the primaries, and a local woman (Bernie supporter) when asked: “do you believe Hillary will be better on women’s issues?” Said no, Bernie would. I shouted “are you kidding me?!” at the radio, and the host of the show

Yes, good point! It’s right there in the name! It tells you everything you need to know!

So the question is why does that anti-establishment anger more often turn into Republican votes than Democratic ones? If voters were really honest about their interests and their desire for change, wouldn’t it be more logical to vote Democrat?

He said that? I hadn’t heard that, but that’s mental.

I can’t stress this enough: every time I heard someone (including Bernie, and I like Bernie) talk about ‘the Establishment’ during the election, my head nearly exploded. Republicans have controlled Congress for most of my life. They ARE the establishment.

Yeah, I think the gate agent made a mistake. I have flown nonrev before via a friend who works for an airline, and they told me about the policy up front, so I didn’t have a problem with it, but I don’t think the gate agent should have made this call.

I think Hannity really thought Koppel was going to say “no, but...” when he asked “you think I’m bad for America?” Joke’s on you, Sean.

A LOT of chatter on Twitter from former IC, especially NSA, about how serious this is. Remember, this guy has a degree in agriculture. What the fuck is he doing as chair of Intel?