He doesn’t have the political capital. I don’t think he realizes just how far he has fallen since taking the oath.
He doesn’t have the political capital. I don’t think he realizes just how far he has fallen since taking the oath.
Nunes is fucked.
That could be it, as I tend to tweet less than I like or retweet. I use Twitter as more of an observer.
I assume you’re counting Louise Mensch among those, and I was following her on Twitter...until a few weeks ago, when she blocked me, which I found odd. John Schindler and Adam Khan seem to be providing a lot of the same info, however.
I would like to ask her this: “really? Then how do the French do it? They bring in seasonal workers every year for the harvest, pay them a decent wage, provide housing and meals for them, and still sell wine at prices that consumers can afford.” I’ve visited chateaux in Burgundy, Bordeaux, and the cellars in…
Ok, but it says right in the text that you posted that he was registered as a lobbyist, which is different to what Flynn was doing, and not the same as what the FBI is now investigating the campaign for. If Trump has evidence that anyone from the Clinton campaign worked with the Russians to try to influence the…
I think the simple answer to this is that journalists are fascinated by someone like this who lies so brazenly, especially political journalists. One of the things the whole Trump saga has taught us is that many of the so-called institutions we thought existed only did so because politicians willfully adhered to them.…
8 years? They let Dems have power for two years, if you count the time fromwhen Obama was sworn in and Dems controlled Congress. They let Republicans fuck everything up, then leave it to Democrats to come back in and fix everything.
A friend of mine from the Champagne region says Moët is “Coca-Cola of Champagne.” I mean, I’ll drink it, if you put a glass in my hand.
It’s like in 1984, where Smith kept saying “the proles. The proles are the key.” Then he realized “oh, shit, the proles are never going to rise up, are they?”
That’s actually why the market for Bordeaux is so overheated, because people like Koch buy it as an investment product, not for drinking. And meanwhile the French are like “thanks, we can’t afford these wines any more, and would like to actually drink them.”
So, as I understand it, because they ruled on Establishment Clause, that would indicate that this order or anything like it would likely be overturned?
You don’t think other people would care if there were something damaging in the returns?
Sort of a Dr. Who/Malcolm Tucker mashup? I could see that. He’d have to be carrying Malcolm’s overstuffed binder and shouting at someone on his phone.
Season 3 is my personal favourite.
The crazies part about that is that they hold narrow majorities in both the House and Senate, and barely won the White House. But are they acting like it? No.
Here’s to hoping he makes a surprise cameo in season 6!
It’s on iTunes, and they also did a movie with much of the same cast called In The Loop, which is on Netflix.
The whole cast is amazing. And I’d like to take a moment to recognize season 5 Richard, who kills it in subtle ways.
Or as his uncle Jeff called him, a shaved Sasquatch. Amazing.