If you like Veep, check out The Thick Of It on Channel 4 UK, or the BBC in America. Same creator that did the first four seasons of Veep, Armando Iannucci, so it’s very similar. And it’s got Peter Capaldi!
If you like Veep, check out The Thick Of It on Channel 4 UK, or the BBC in America. Same creator that did the first four seasons of Veep, Armando Iannucci, so it’s very similar. And it’s got Peter Capaldi!
That’s really what it’s about, they want to get rid of the medical device tax and the taxes on health insurance CEOs, and they’re willing to hurt everyone else to do it.
I don’t know why you’re being so mean. I mean, you set the clock in your microwave for DST, and you turn the camera off. It’s just common sense.
“You seeing this? Somebody must have bagged one of Ripley’s bad guys here.”
I thought RED was totally underrated. Haven’t seen the second one, but fucking hell, the first one was good.
My theory is that they fired all of them just as a cover to get rid of Bharara.
Haven’t you heard? We’re all waiting for our checks from George Soros.
Who is likely Russian:
It’s a well known the if a piece of legislation contains less words than another, it is just better. Fact.
We wouldn’t have to live under the dictatorship if 70,000 more people in theee states had voted.
This really winds me up, this idea that if you can afford an iPhone, somehow you’ve got no financial problems and therefore shouldn’t be able to claim any kind of financial hardship. We’re talking about a one time purchase of something that is subsidized by mobile carriers versus something that costs thousands of…
Do you live in a swing state or district? If so, the best you can do is vote these horrible people out, and tell as many people around you to do the same.
When is the special election?
If your argument is that Democrats are not as progressive as you would like them to be, then I think that’s valid, and I would even agree with you. If it’s that Democrats are just as bad as Republicans, I simply cannot agree with that, for the reasons I stated and many more.
There’s an easy fix for that: tie your fucking tie properly!
Let’s look at the platforms of the two parties: the Democrats want to raise the minimum wage, the Republicans don’t think it should exist. The Democrats want to give free health care to the poor, subsidies to the working class, the Republicans want to give a tax credit to Rick people for buying health insurance. The…
Yeah. He could have spoken about it, even in the Congressional address. He could have said something along the lines of: “we have the be tough on illegal immigrants (his belief, not mine), but violence against anyone is not acceptable.” And he didn’t. He hasn’t, and likely won’t. And I really wonder why at this point.
It’s not hopeless. Stay focused on the strategy: win back the House, Senate, and state and local elections. This part is already going quite well. In the meantime, we can hope for more leaks and investigations into the Russia ties.
She also said “I’m sorry this happened to you.” Oh, you mean, you’re sorry you did this to us? That’s an important distinction.