
You know, you make a good point. If I sound like I have disdain for these people, it’s hard not to after what I see having happened with this election. But first of all, it’s hard for me to put myself in the shoes of a working class factory worker or coal miner. I work in tech in a big city on the east coast and get

I have two questions: what’s your measure of success then, if it isn’t to start winning state leg? And also, how is the weather in Moscow?

That was a stupid thing to say, but at the same time, if these people can’t see that they are better off voting D then I don’t know what more to say.

I actually enjoyed Anthem and The Fountainhead, but then I read Atlas Shrugged and sort of went “wait...what?” And after learning about her background (her parents owned a shop that was seized by the Communists), I try to sympathize, but I don’t know how you go from that to “fuck all these poor people.”

Did he this before or after November 8th? Because that’s an important distinction. I can believe it if he’s talking about 2018.

Visiting CERN later this year, I’ll attempt to investigate this further. But yeah, you’re probably right.

Are you sure about that? Democrats have already won three out of four special elections held this year.

I don’t even remember that bit, but,

It depends on which state we’re talking about. Here in New York it’s doing fine, but in the states where the Republicans have tried to make it fail, it has not gone as well.

I read it when I was actually in my senior year of high school, and even then I was able to see it was a pipe dream. Yeah, it would be great if everyone could take care of themselves, but some people can’t, and we as a society have a responsibility to see that people at least have a basic level of care. In other

I’m seeing an opportunity for a 2020 campaign ad. “I like to order a steak medium and eat it without ketchup. You know why? Because I’m not a fucking animal” “I’m (insert name of candidate here) and I approve this message.”

Well, the articles of impeachment should be coming any day now. This is inexcusable.

Haven’t seen La La Land yet, but The Nice Guys was totally underrated.

I’m in, will make guacamole, and something for dessert.

“We want guns to be alllowed everywhere, just not at our town halls, or in the Capitol, or near our offices. But other than that, everywhere.”

I didn’t know she had been cast for Amy, that would have been something. Although, I almost think it had to be someone who was relatively unknown at the time, I’m trying to picture Reese playing her and having a hard time.

Typical of someone from Ithaca to say something this stupid. You quoted the article explaining exactly how this is a policy change and then called it “the same thing”. And if Tom Reed gets re-elected, fuck off.

I work in tech (not in the Valley, on the east coast), and I think a lot if it has to do with how quickly these companies grow. They don’t stop to figure things like this out, and it can leave them very vulnerable. It’s like they never ask themselves if there’s a reason why the industries they’re disrupting are the

Yet another reason I hate this company, refuse to use their app, and will happily walk, take the subway, or a real TLC taxi, and when I do, I now tip the drivers more than I used to, because fuck Uber, that’s why. And meanwhile all of my friends are asking why I don’t use Uber.

Conservatives like to do this thing (and Trump does it better than any of them), where they use feigned concern about other countries to justify authoritarian actions back home. As someone who travels to other countries quite a lot, and actually does care about these countries, this drives me mad. In this case, it’s