You’ve just worked this out now?
You’ve just worked this out now?
Makes sense. He think he should get credit for that. Like “I was going to do something really horrible, but I didn’t, I can’t get any credit for that?”
It’s amazing how the same people who will happily tell you how they’ve spent the last thirty years buying everything at Wal-Mart, because “hey, it’s cheaper!” are now wondering where their jobs went.
I live upstate but go down to the city regularly, and I have to say I went to the 34th street store a few weeks ago, and it is at least nicer since the renovation. The stores upstate are a disaster, they look run down and poorly attended, which is kind of sad, because there is something cool about the old school…
My initial reaction was: “only one drink each? What kind of brunch is that?” Unless I have to work later that day, this is nothing.
If any union member hasn’t figured out by now that the Republicans are not their friend, then I don’t know what to say to such a person.
Look up Adam Khan on Twitter, he is doing some amazing reporting on Trump and Kushner’s Russia ties, the more you read you will realize how completely Russia owns them both.
The Town Hall project is also interesting: here is a link to a doc of times when all members of a Congress will host town hall meetings and have office hours for the next month.…
He is doing something, his new foundation has already said that one of their major policy goals is redistricting, which will undo a lot of the damage of 2010 and make it easier for Dems to retake the House.
I wonder how we can find out how much time he spends watching tv, then compare that to the amount of time Obama did, and also the amount of time all the crybabies of the last eight years claimed he spent playing by golf?
I’m sorry, but what the fuck? These people really didn’t know before Election Day that he was going to do this? He talked about it several times. If the environment was an important issue for these people, I would think that the choice was clear.
Also, the irony that Trump felt the need to go to the CIA to talk about crowd numbers at the inauguration is...bizarre. These people can tell you how many people are in a house in Pakistan right now, do you really think they need to be told how many people were standing in front of the Capitol on Friday?
Keith Olbermann talked about this very thing Friday night on Bill Maher’s show, basically saying that psychological war fare has to be considered part of the resistance.
What does that even mean, hold the press accountable? What are they going to do?
Thank you! For all the talk I’ve heard about draining the swamp, if the whole idea of draining the swamp is that our politicians are corrupt, how does handing government directly to the people doing the corrupting make things any better? No one seems to be able to give me an answer to this that makes sense.
You know that scene in House Of Cards where Pussy Riot pour their drinks out at the state dinner and then storm out? I’d settle for that.
Yeah those figures sound...a bit inflated. Theirs, I mean, not yours.
If that makes you a bad person, I’m worse. I want every Trump voter to lose their job, and I will gleefully write the software to make them obsolete. Enjoy your heroin, fuckers.
I don’t think so either. Everyone keeps telling me we have to fight, but I’m thinking fight how? By talking about this! These people are about to start passing legislation. I really do think something like the Rose Revolution might be the only way.