
Difficult to say. Of course, all of my friends who were in love with Bernie think so, but I really do think a lot of the people in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin who voted for Trump were going to vote for the other party this year anyway, regardless of the candidate. I really have come to believe that swing

I believe this is already happening. What’s about to happen to this fool is going to make Nixon look like he got off easy.

If you’re counting on a wave election in favor of Democrats in a midterm, you might be disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, I want the same thing, but I am consistently disappointed and frustrated with my fellow Democrats for not turning out to vote. All of the things I hear people saying now like “what can we do to stop

Jesus Christ, even MLK III couldn’t resist doing the whole false equivalency, “both sides say mean things” nonsense.

I don’t understand how any Republican can call themselves ant-establishment, though. Their party has the governorship in 33 states, and the legislature in 25. They control both chambers of Congress, and have gerrymandered the districts so badly that they pretty much can’t lost the House. If these people aren’t the

That would be in line with what Steele, the former MI6 agent who wrote the report said. He said he had been sending it the the FBI for months and they didn’t seem interested, they were obsessed with Clinton’s emails.

Didn’t know know that, but that’s terrifying.

I’ll just say this: in 2003, the people of Georgia (the country, not the state) stormed the parliament and threw the pro-Soviet president out. That shit worked. Now that we know that we just had an election that has been tainted, corrupted, and decided by another nation, does anyone really see any other way out at

It’s also worth pointing out that this probably could have been settled before the election, if the FBI had not sat on this report and been obsessed with Hillary’s emails.

Doesn’t Trump also have a press conference scheduled for today? Assuming he doesn’t cancel, this is all he’s going to be asked about. Brilliant.

But think of what impeachment will do to the Republican Party: basically destroys any political capital they had. All the talk you’re hearing about a ‘mandate’ now is already weak as fuck, imagine what that becomes after your candidate gets impeached?

Also that the offered him a 19% share in Rosneft, the Russian state owned oil company, if he would lift sanctions.

I read it in full. If this is for real, the bit about the prostitutes is, I think, the least damaging part of the story. I mean, this is saying that Cohen and other people who work directly for Trump met with high level Kremlin staff, and paid hackers both stateside and in Russia.

Exactly. We should all remind her of that as this story continues to develop. Like, if Trump should be impeached or have to resign, or be indicted. “What’s that? The story wasn’t true? Well, that’s too bad, but the damage is done now, isn’t it?”

Exactly this. You can tell he wants the respect of celebrities and the like so bad, I am willing to bet he would trade the presidency away for it. And I think he really thought winning would change al, that, like he said at the meeting with the tech CEOs “everyone in this room has t like me now.” No, we don’t, in

I wasn’t aware the president had the power to dictate where companies (especially foreign companies) manufactured their products.

Right around the time it became clear she was going to run. That was by design. Someone paid a lot of money for them to change their minds like that.

It’s fantastic. I like how the episodes are not all the same, but have a lot of similar themes. Some are downright disturbing, and some are beautiful.

I’m guessing it has something to do with the high security in Times Square for NYE. I worked production for one of Hillary’s events when she was running for Senator and it was serious business.

Yeah I get that. I also have to say that as someone who now lives in the States but has lived in a number of other countries, including Australia and the U.K., I’m continually surprised at how bad race relations are here. I’m not saying these other countries are perfect or have it all worked out, but in the U.K., for