
I say this as someone who enjoys reading your comments, and perhaps I’m out of line as a white bloke, but I’ve been hearing this discussion about diversity in entertainment, not just film, for a while now, and I guess I don’t understand why it seems to be getting a disproportionate amount of attention compared to

I think a lot of that has to do with the creators of these films/shows presenting an image of how their audiences want to see themselves, or the lives they aspire to have. Take Nancy Meyer, for example. As a working class white person, it probably feels good to see a nice white family in Santa Barbara with their

I have been asking this question for nearly eight years and have never received a satisfactory answer: “seri, people, what did Michelle Obama ever do to you?” “Hey, maybe it would be cool if we could get our kids to more healthy foods...” “fuck you! Don’t tell us what to do! We will feed our kids junk food all day

Auto correct!

That part is cool, but I think Iowa gets too much attention and sort of pre-empty you.

You need more electoral votes to make it worth our while. Thanks though.

You’re making the argument that John Kerry being critical of Israel because its government has for decades brutalized the Palistinean people and effectively created an apartheid state is somehow a greater issue than Trump making hateful statements about entire ethnicities and religions?

I get your point, but I will not do this.

Which means if he could only find a way to get elected to the State Assembly or Senate, Preet Bharara could be indicting him any day now!

This guy is the perfect example of one of these idiots who hitched his wagon to Trump and is now angry because he hasn’t yet reaped the rewards he imagined he would. I also would not be surprised if he thinks he has a chance of being elected governor here in New York after Trump’s upset. But the really stunning thing

That, combined with the fact that he has convinced a disturbingly large percentage of the population that the press are all liars, and the only real truth comes from him, is dangerous.

She won, but I think what was meant is that she could have gotten higher turnout in those cities.

No. This attitude of “we smart people have to be more dumb so the dumb people don’t feel bad” is nonsense. The dumb people need to get smarter.

I just have to say I dont understand this strategy of betting on Russia versus China. Unless he knows something we don’t, I think China is the much safer bet in both the short and long term.

Yeah, I was just going to say this is the first time I’ve heard something negative about Pat LaFreida’s products. I buy their Italian sausage all the time, its ace. And totally getting Shake Shack for lunch tomorrow.

Yeah, someone else said the same thing. Are we not a democratic republic, though?

I think it was intended to balance the influence of larger states, but not to the degree it has, especially this year.

Of course not, but my point is that as someone who lives in a coastal city, why is it ok for people from rural areas to put us down at every turn, but we can’t say anything in return? Tell you what, I’ll stop calling these people hillbillies when they stop calling us coastal elites. And don’t even get me started on

I think it like someone above said: turnout in these Midwest states was, sadly, probably suppressed by voters overconfidence that Clinton had it locked. Which would also explain why turnout was higher in Arizona, Georgia and Texas: voters in those states thought they had a chance to win it for her.

Really, what is it then? That the will of a few people in three states should supersede that of the entire nation?