
I think you’re forgetting that before the primary and the campaign season started, Hillary’s numbers were very good. How many people do you know personally who will gladly tell you they hate her, they just can’t say why? What do you think that is? Someone paid good money for them to think that. These people can make

Not a direct democracy, but our system is still supposed to be democratic on some level.

I used to spend a lot of time traveling to these states in a previous job. I’m sorry, but it’s true. You’re right about there being people like this in every state, it is more of an urban/rural divide, but the difference is the dominance of these people in certain states.

It’s weird, because turnout for Clinton in some states (Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Texas) was higher than expected, and lower than expected in others (Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin). I’m asking myself: why? What were people hearing or feeling differently in these states?

Why wouldn’t they? People from those states dismiss us. Every. Single. Time. You’ll never hear a hillbilly from Missouri say after an election loss “I guess we need to pay closer attention to the people in the cities.” Even though we outnumber them, which is kind of the whole idea behind democracy.

Yep. On paper they did everything right. Also, I worry about Democrats going too far to win back likely lost Midwest voters, when the problem in Michigan seems to have been turnout. As the article states, Trump won the state, but he won it with 30,000 less votes than Bush got in 2004 when he lost it. The future is

Can you put together a compilation of every Republican and conservative in 2008 saying Obama had no experience, play it for her?

Roundabouts? You don’t have roundabouts in PA? They’re not bad, you’ll get used to them.

We’ll give you the option to join New Jersey, then.

I think Hillary offered what should have been a very effective vision for people who wanted real progressive change, but she is a policy wonk, and doesn’t inspire people that way. Or at least, people who are not willing to read past a campaign slogan.

And 2010 didn’t happen overnight. If you’re familiar with the red map project, you know that Republicans worked on that for years. We need the same level of commitment, but it’s difficult when you’ve got people who think all they have to do is show up to vote in presidential elections.

Yep. Take gun control, for example. The reason the pro gun people win on this issue is because they work on it. Every day. We think we can post a few tweets on this every time there’s a mass shooting and expect results?

I hope they’re not going to get rid of that Matthew Modine and his lab in Hawkins, Indiana, because they are on the verge of some big discoveries there...

Isn’t he up for reelection in November?

You win the Internet.

Yeah, but to be fair, Bill was eating his with a knife and fork from Lombardi’s or another Neapolitan style pizza place where that is how it’s done, Trump and Palin ate at Famous Famiglia (not even a real pizza place) where it’s served by the slice.

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it’s almost impossible for either of our two major political parties to win the Presidency fore more than two terms now. A great number of people think that by voting in the party that has not been in the White House for the last eight years, that will magically fix

It should have been her. How many times can I say it to make it come true?

Wait until she sees what it’s like for Republicans to start struggling to win Arizona, Georgia and Texas.

Fucking McCain wouldn’t even say anything bad about him! What does he have to lose? John, retire already and keep some level of dignity!