Absolutely. I couldn't bring myself to go to the cinema for about a year or so, only did back at Christmas time for the new Star Wars, and was seriously nervous about it.
Absolutely. I couldn't bring myself to go to the cinema for about a year or so, only did back at Christmas time for the new Star Wars, and was seriously nervous about it.
Thank you for saying what I've been saying for months, and no one seems to listen. Are we talking real Democrats, though, or Bernie or Bust people? Because seriously, those people have to shut up.
It hasn't slowed him down yet because we're still in the primaries. Hopefully in the general, stories like this will really start to blow up in his face.
I think it goes something like this: “I don’t mind if I’m getting screwed, as long as someone else is worse off”
No, I wouldn’t make that argument. I’m saying there has been a sort of arrogance with regards to foreign policy in previous administrations, the best example in my lifetime being W Bush, and Obama has had a very different approach, which many people (namely, his political opponents) have wrongly perceived as…
I don’t you can fault Clinton for Libya, Syria, etc. There are limits to America’s ability to affect foreign policy. The Middle East is a prime example.
That's true, we're seeing now the Sarah without Nicolle Wallace version, and it's...different.
I can confirm the music industry is pretty horrible for women. I used to work in the industry and it has the perfect mix of being male dominated while also having little oversight for things like this. On the bright side, I did see a lot of women working in production and technical jobs which used to be almost…
I do not see what being insulted by that has to do with boundaries. What I’m saying is that when someone is confessing to things that they did when very young and at a very difficult time in their life and is saying “I did these things, and I’m not proud of it, and I have learned a lot since then” and you responded by…
I mean, I’d like to think you meant this sincerely and not as an insult, but it’s sort of hard to see it that way. You’re speaking about me in the present tense about something that happened nearly twenty years ago. I’ve learnt a lot about boundaries and relationships since I was in my twenties, but then again, I’ve…
I have a story to tell. When I was in my twenties, at the end of my first for real, post high school and uni relationship, I did some things that I regret. The relationship had gotten serious very quickly, for example she had her own place and gave me a key only a few weeks after we had been together, and I had a…
Hyperbole of the worst kind
For real. My friends in San Francisco, who are from Mexico, eat at Chipotle. They also at little independent taquerias in the Mission, which are awesome, but hey, sometimes you want Chipotle.
That's a good point, and that's a uniquely Republican problem. The Democrats have the advantage of having the interests of the party more closely aligned with that of the base.
And those businesses overwhelmingly donate to Republicans and conservative PACs. Which is astounding to me, because a. The hypocrisy. And b. That these donors haven’t been able to bring the hammer down on guys like Cruz yet and go “seriously, knock it off with the deportation talk. We need these people to pick our…
Yep, this from a party who had a candidate just a few years back who was president of the National Restaurant Association. Let's ask Herman Cain how his members would like it if Trump deported all illegal immigrants, an industry that pretty much can't exist without illegal immigrants.
Spot on. They had the red carpet rolled out for them because our government wanted to stick it to Castro. If that fact is lost on them, I really don't know what to say.
And yet...they have greater freedoms than we do! This is what I think so many of the pro gun people in this country don't understand: if you need guns to go to war with your government at any moment, you're already fucked.
Yep. I lived in Australia for a few years right after Port Arthur. Amazing, to see how different the response was to how it happens here after we have our Weekly Mass Shooting. The rest of the world really thinks we’re fucked up. The most violent thing I ever saw in Australia? Coming home from work one night, a sort…
I remember a few years ago I was visiting friends in London right before Christmas, I think it was the Friday before and they were saying on the news how the pubs would be closing at different times because they were worried about people going out for office parties and if everyone left the pubs at the same time,…