I used to live in Fitzroy, can confirm this.
I used to live in Fitzroy, can confirm this.
I have one of her sauté pans, they’re not bad for low heat stuff like eggs, and they basically rinse clean. Also, I tell myself that because they're ceramic coated and not Teflon, hopefully they're less cancer-causing. But yeah, serious cooking I do on my real cookware.
Thanks for that, I can't do anything else today but cry now.
I think that people often confuse Hillary’s very careful wording and cautious approach to what she says, and how and when, to being dishonest. This is the end result of decades spent in Washington, combined with her knowing that this is probably her last shot at the Presidency, but is she really just a dishonest…
I thought it was going to be Melisandre that brought him back to life, but this is also plausible.
The first thing she did was to say a prayer? Ok, great, how’s that going to prevent future shootings? Also, government is not competent to manage a terrorist watch list, so vote for me, person with zero government experience.
That’s true, but I would argue that the current age of mass shootings with the ubiquitous AR-15 hadn’t really started yet in the 90’s, so the same assault weapons ban now probably would have a reducing effect.
That may be true, but even if we only had, say, ten events this year that qualify for a mass shooting, that's still too many for me.
I believe my donation went to the local chapter, but I live in New York, so maybe it would have been better to give to one of the chapters in a red state? To be honest, I didn't think too much about it, I got up this morning, opened my laptop, and did it. I've absolutely had it with the anti-choice movement.
For me personally, they have accomplished the goal of getting me to donate to PP. wait, is that not what I was suppose to do? Oh, that's too bad.
Thank you for that. I can’t seem to get through to my conservative friends on this, some of whom have told me that I'm irresponsible for not carrying a gun. I guess it's a fundamental difference of how you define freedom. A friend of mine tells me could never live somewhere where he can't carry a gun. I consider…
It has gotten worse. I lived in Australia for a time and came back to the States and seriously, I don’t understand what has happened. I go to Europe usually once a year, my wife and I were in the UK and France just recently before the attacks in Paris, and everyone at home keeps saying “aren’t you worried? Will you…
You really don’t understand the difference between between people being killed when those devices fail (cars, airplanes, etc.) and being killed by a device whose sole purpose is to kill? You really don’t get that?
You win.
Seriously, as if the person making his coffee cares. What did he think they were going to say? “Sorry, sir, I’d like to write Merry Christmas on your cup, but I have orders from the CEO not to. We are waging a war on Christmas here, after all.”
That makes sense, but here in America, we like to show everyone that we’re in support of whatever the Thing Of The Moment is without actually doing anything about it.
And he looks like Fred Durst? Yeah, the ladies must be running to him.
You win the Internet.
Her name is Jodie Marie Burchard-Risch, possibly the most French name ever, and she's mad at someone else for not speaking English? I just want to make sure I read that correctly. #irony
They bought lunch for all but 100 people? That's a bit rude, isn't it?