
@Liam: because they stay with AT&T (just a little joke; i know its not as bad as people try to make it out to be)

@xhedgehogx: use the "its too good to be true so it must be a lie" stance

@CubemonkeyNYC: lol thanks for the link, the good news is after i woke up a bit more it stopped!

stare at the center of that graph and the dots will move! really weird observation while reading this article; which is good btw!

Tiered data packages, and free hotspot access... users will use what they pay for and cant take advantage of mass data consuming with unlimited and 5 devices hooked up to it.

@babylost: Dont comment on gizmodo, go find your baby if its lost!

@Lazzzara: it may be lamer than their LTE but its still a mobile hotspot!

Hmm, interseting; ill have to look into this tent! Hopefully it is big enough for 2 people and all of their junk!

Hot damn this is nice!

@GitEmSteveDave: Its like coming in last in a running marathon; you may not have been the first, second or third to cross that finish line, but you can gloat that you at least crossed it at some point.

Wait aliens? So what you're saying is that you saw that wikileaks document confirming that there has been contact with aliens not of Earthly descent?

This picture is soooo photoshopped...that train must have been added to this photo.

Awwww, someone is mad they didnt get a invite to tomorrow's press conference! lol

@minimaltek: no, fear actually; have you seen his van without any windows???

News Reporter: "Today, 01/11/2011, marks a day when Verizon Wireless said "April Fools, in advance" because so many people were expecting a iPhone to be released when in reality they announced the expanding coverage of their LTE network."

@WetSkeletonz: Verizon stuns the world and announces April Fools in advance.

@Setonas: disregard all comments in this thread lol
