
@xhedgehogx: nice, thanks for the heads up on where from! i should go there more often .<

@xhedgehogx: lol i love the part "...should not be posted or shared."

Cant view it over the internet? /pass (password protected connection of course!)

@twoeightnine: I think his understanding was that the 'negatives' are whats in the roll of film after a picture is taken. Which is what i thought when reading this article; but when i read your comment i google'd it and found it to be much different.

So, my first question is (without any further research after reading just this article) how did someone discover the body?

what if you have shit on your shoe?

I use Yahoo Messenger's video chat all of the time! Usable over cell tower or wifi connection. And the mobile app is compatible with the desktop app.

cant wait to see what kind of tech toys my kids will break in 4 years! (when i have kids lol)

@xhedgehogx: no, the document pictured above doesnt say it will

nice little tip! i wonder when they will add a 'auto organize by a-z' for apps and folders and app within folders

If your beer gets warm you're drinking it wrong.

Ouch; imagine bumping into the guy that owns this in Walmart. Especially when theres a 'special'!

I didnt bother to Google (dare i say Bing!) this prior to posting:

@DustyButt: lol thank you for posting this; I got a kick out of the responses you would expect from this tech blog.

man i thought this was a cool design too; ill have to see how long it takes for everyone to do this lol

@andrelix: When these babies are pushed out to the market, the bigger ssd's (physical size) will go down in price.

@Eriamjh: no no, pics are still needed

@Elhigh: lol, this was a huge troll comment dont approve of these comments!!!

@Elhigh: lol, this was a huge troll comment dont approve of these comments!!!

AT&T = Marlboro?