
LOL!!! Nice way to bring back readers; first day back in months and i see this attitude from an editor. Back to Endgadget i go!

@Brad Roth: according to the media the iPad 2 will have 2 operating systems on it as well lol

@4nth0ny: Get your friend on here now!!! have him post!!! oh wait!

Obvious opinion is very VERY obvious.

@roninpenguin: This is why the ipad 2 will have a windshield wiper mounted on the front.

@Apotheosis: oh wait, did anyone do a role call before they sealed up the last exit of the house?

@Curves: Win/Win until someone from the office gets murdered and then they will turn to you. (Whether or not the person in question did or didnt do it, first suspicion would be "that crazy mofo right there")

@Jackstick: Welcome to Gizmodo Steven Hawking!

@Neopolis: Did they have boxer shorts back then? I'm not a expert/historian on underwear but i thought all they wore was tidey whitey's.

This better not be technology for 3D..i swear to god i will throw up on the stage floor at the WWDC.

@Setonas: have no* (editing wasnt working, i didnt look any further into it)

Obvious opinion is an opinion.

@eebrenner: yea that one totally flew over my head; i figured if one guy was confused and used "destress" well the commentators will follow.

@iMorialkar: ah yes i did fail to see the joke, i figured he was just as confused as the person who used "destress".

@metronome49: Unless you're holding it the wrong way.

@LaSirenita: Corrections can always be made with a smile instead of a smug attitude :)

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: I googled it for you and found this answer of 2.3 million are jailbroken (looks like that figure is from 2009 though).

"Oh, and don't hold out until iPhone 5 so we all have to upgrade. That's just obnoxious"