
@rott: No, Hammer is more like Gateway lol

To me it seems like that old movie about Bill Gates & Steve Jobs lol; it would be interesting to watch but im going to wait until its at essentially im never going to watch it ;)

@HahSohrob: nope, the button is black and the letters are white in 4.2

Potato Salad snack? Im surprised no one took a picture then posted it on some website with the caption "I got too excited".

You forgot the 'Shutdown -s -t 03' at the end!

@imapcgirl: If they send you a postcard saying "50% discount on all rentals for 2 weeks", watch out...

The link in line 1 "Mast Brothers" and in line 22/23 "Mast Brothers" both direct back to this page.

@pjcard: Hunting Season for humans is open!

@Timmy:But a freeze ray would give people excuses to use quotes from Arnold Schwartzenager in Batman.

@morphoyle: Yes, it seems that this conversation boiled down to a battle of perception on the definition of words.

Hopefully the 'Darwinisim' of this teen's actions are spread by his parents to stop other kids from doing this.

@photophile: lol i didnt say it was bad; just stating the ratio of 4:1.

@dallasmay: Sorry i should of been more detailed; in the food industry it always works.

Every 4 cups of sugar equals 1 cup of HFCS.

I wonder if he was hit with enough force to have his shoes knocked off of his feet...

I thought he was giving instructions! I've had my name changed as many times as i changed my email address over the past 5 years.

@morphoyle: I guess when one's opinion thinks a comment pertaining to the subject is "borderline troll" then they will throw out full troll comments, as you did? And how can you peg me as someone that is 'part of the problem, i've said the patent system needs to get looked at because it is not 100% (and never will

@Dafrety: Looks like im the only one who caught that @; the trick is you dont. Law Suit avoided!

@morphoyle: Haha, nice try to detail someone that you dont know. I own a Droid (but i do have a brick iPod), but i also own a business and own a few patents (with a few more on that long ass wait). Which leads to why im talking about patents. I wont dare try to detail you.