
At the moment, no, I would not want a phone without a headphone jack. I mainly use my headphones while commuting and do not feel like replacing my current pair. Moreover, having a headphone jack means that I can listen to music while charging my phone and do not have to mess around with dongles or having to charge my

I’m listening to a podcast at work right now...with one earbud in, for a pair of headphones that only cost me about $20. they use a 3.5mm plug. I don’t have to worry about interference like I do my bluetooth phones that don’t work right when mowing the lawn. I can plug in one ear with no problem. when I don’t have

It seems this would be a simple and well known thought. If you can’t get your shit right, don’t release it yet. I’d respect you more if you said you had to hold off on a release to make sure it wasn’t a shit show

“Techcrunch speculates that this might be a thinly veiled shot at Gizmodo for our coverage of the site.” ... Or it could be a thinly veiled shot because Giz has gone from being arguably the best tech blog to a site that is very click batey. Seriously what is with the spammy fake articles at the ends of actual articles

You’re not. 10 is the best one yet.

Nothing about this makes me really wanna upgrade, ESPECIALLY the removal of the headphone jack. I mean, my 2 years with my iPhone 6 is up...but really not feeling this. Maybe I’ll upgrade to a 6s which should be cheaper?

Buy the new Xbox it has a new Halo! Buy the new Playstation, it has the new Uncharted!

It’s a tale as old as gaming: After a long drought, Nintendo makes hardware announcement. Fans scoff, dwell on absurdity. Fans eventually realize the platform is actually great. Nintendo prints money.

dude thank god someone here still replies like a normal human being who just likes to play games

“ou can’t have something sleek like a Surface, or even an iPad, when you need a port big enough to handle a cartridge”

Bring it! I’m excited to see what they try. Can’t wait for some of their new games, too.

There is an xkcd for everything.

Actually, at this point, I think people are mostly buying Apple laptops for the same reason people buy Starbucks coffee or Rolex’s. They’re just luxury brands and people want to be seen with them.

Mention Apple negatively, attract butthurt Apple fanboys.

I’ve been running Macs since around 2005. I loved each and every one - my iMac, my beautiful 12-inch PowerBook, my 13 inch MacBook pro. But I will not buy another apple. Why? Well, have you looked at their current lineup? I mean seriously. It’s shit, and way, way overpriced. Mac OS hasn’t had a cool new feature in


I have a 2010 MacBook pro that I upgraded to an ssd as primary disk, and 8 gb of ram, and it’s still going strong despite being on the latest macosx. I never had a Windows pc that went that long. And that’s the beauty of the apple ecosystem. It’s not that it has the latest and greatest tech, it’s that they support

Most of the time, I can’t figure out why anyone thought it was real in the first place. This is one of those times. That bunny doesn’t look real at all.