
because its Nintendo, the company “Hardcore” gamers love to hate.

and fallout

Here’s hoping they put this much passion, and attention to detail into a new Metroid game!

part of it also does just come down to playing it. its really hard to describe the joy you feel when you play this game, it just; feels right.

its still very early (I’ve only had about an hour of play time so far) but I haven’t seen any issues yet...fingers crossed!

What about PC? I dont have a PS4 and would be hard pressed to get one, particularly because I’m primarily a PC gamer.

ugh fuck this guy, sure buy it back, but do so at a lower price, the initial buy back price, less the amount needed to reconstruct the car.

there were only 2, the second game was genuinely pretty great, though 3 admittedly missed the mark.

Might I recommend the Nexus 6P, solid phone for a great price.

I like how everyone’s solution to your post is to spend more money on other things...

Look at all these great ways to spend more money!

your probably right, that premise really is too stupid to be believed anyway.

well maybe I do, if the reference was to season 2 episode 15 (threshold) then I do...if not then I do not.

as a Nintendo fan and Android user this would make me said If I played mobile games...but most mobile games are shit so....

I do...

you are what is wrong with the world...

I live in the same small town as this guy, he’s the real deal, he’s so good!

Its not the removal of the 3.5mm as much as it is this stupid idea that tech companies have that we only need, or want one port on our devices. I listen to music all day at work, so being able to use headphones and plug my phone in to charge at the same time is key. I have no interest in spending the money on

so its not for you, doesn’t mean you gotta piss in everyone else’s Cheerios.